

substantif (neutre) : facteur d'Éveil, constituant de la connaissance

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

bojjhaṅga [bodhi+aṅga; cp.BSk.bodhyaṅga,e.g.Lal.Vist.37,where the 7 are given at Divy 208] a factor or constituent of knowledge or wisdom.There are 7 bojjhaṅgas usually referred to or understood from the context.There are enumd at several places, D.III,106,where they are mentioned in a list of qualities (dhammā) which contribute to the greatest happiness of gods and man,viz.the 4 satipaṭṭhānā,4 sammapadhānā,4 iddhipādā,5 indriyāni,5 balāni & the 7 bojjhaṅgas and ariya aṭṭhaṅgika magga,37 in all.The same list we find at Divy 208.– The 7 b.(frequently also called sambojjhaṅgā) are sati,dhamma-vicaya,viriya,pīti,passaddhi,samādhi,upekhā or mindfulness,investigation of the Law,energy,rapture,repose,concentration and equanimity (DhsA.217,cp.Expositor II.294).– D.II,79,83,120,303; III,101,128,284; M.I,11,61; II,12; III,85,275; S.I,54; V,82,110; A.I,14; IV,23; Nd1 14,45,171 (°kusala),341; Kvu I.158; Dhs.358,528,1354; Vbh.199 sq.,227 sq.; Vism.160; Miln.340; DhA.I,230; VbhA.120,310; ThA.27,50,160.They are counted among the 37 constituents of Arahantship,viz.the 30 above-mentioned qualities (counting magga as one),with addition of sīlesu paripūrikāritā,indriyesu gutta-dvāratā,bhojane mattaññutā,jāgariy’ânuyoga,sati-sampajaññaṁ (see e.g.Nd1 14; Nd2 s.v.satipaṭṭhāna & sīla); cp.Th.1,161,162; Th.2,21 (maggā nibbāna-pattiyā); DhsA.217 (bodhāya saṁvattantī ti bojjhaṅgā etc.; also “bodhissa aṅgo ti pi bojjhaṅgo sen’aṅgarath’aṅg’ādayo viya).They are also called the paribhoga-bhaṇḍāni or “insignia" of the Buddha Miln.330. –kosalla proficiency in the constituents of wisdom Vism.248.

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