

substantif (neutre) : litt. “virilit锓, vigueur, énergie

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

viriya (nt.) [fr.vīra; cp.Vedic vīrya & vīria] lit.“state of a strong man,” i.e.vigour,energy,effort,exertion.On term see also Dhs.trsln § 13; Cpd.242.– D.III,113,120 sq.255 sq.; S.II,132,206 sq.; Sn.79,184,353,422,531,966,1026 (chanda°); Nd1 476,487; Nd2 394; J.I,178 (viriyaṁ karoti,with Loc.); Pug.71; Vbh.10; Nett 16,28; Tikp 60,63; Miln.36; Vism.160 (°upekkhā),462; KhA 96; SnA 489; DhA.IV,231; DA.I,63; DhsA.120; VvA.14; PvA.98,129; Sdhp.343,517.‹-› accāraddha° too much exertion M.III,159; A.III,375; opp.atilīna° too little ibid; uṭṭhāna° initiative or rousing energy S.I,21,217; A.III,76; IV,282; ThA.267; PvA.129; nara° manly strength J.IV,478,487.–viriyaṁ āra(m)bhati to put forth energy,to make an effort S.II,28; IV,125; V,9,244 sq.; A.I,39,282,296; II,15= IV.462.– As adj.(-°) in alīna° alert,energetic J.I,22; āraddha° full of energy,putting forth energy,strenuous S.I,53,166,198; II,29,207 sq.; IV,224; V,225; A.I,4,12; II,76,228 sq.; III,65,127; IV,85,229,291,357; V,93,95,153,335; J.I,110; ossaṭṭha° one who has given up effort J.I,110; hīna° lacking in energy It.34 (here as vīriya,in metre).– one of the indriyas,the balas & the sambojjhaṅgas (q.v.). –ârambha “putting forth of energy,” application of exertion,will,energy,resolution D.III,252; S.II,202; IV,175; A.I,12; III,117; IV,15 sq.280; V,123 sq.; Ps.I,103 sq.; Vbh.107,194,208; DhsA.145,146.–indriya the faculty of energy D.III,239,278; S.V,196 sq.; Dhs.13; Vbh.123; Nett 7,15,19; VbhA.276.–bala the power of energy D.III,229,253; A.IV,363; J.I,109.–saṁvara restraint by will Vism.7; SnA 8; DhsA.351.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

vīrya [pfp. [1] vīra] n. valeur, héroïsme; prouesse | énergie, vigueur, virilité, force | bd. la vigueur, une des 6 perfections [pāramitā] d'un accompli [bodhisattva] | sperme — f. vīryā vigueur; énergie; virilité.

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