

substantif (féminin) : joie, enthousiasme, entrain, exubérance

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

pīti (f.) [cp.Class.Sk.prīti & Vedic prīta pp.of prī,see pīneti & piya] emotion of joy,delight,zest,exuberance.On term see Dhs.trsl.11 and Cpd.243.Classed under saṅkhārakkhandha,not vedanā°.– D.I,37,75; III,241,265,288; M.I,37; S.II,30; IV,236; A.III,26,285 sq.; IV,411,450; V,1 sq.,135,311 sq.,333 sq.; Sn.257,687,695,969,1143 (=Bhagavantaṁ ārabbha p.pāmujjaṁ modanā pamodanā citti-odagyaṁ etc.Nd2 446); Nd1 3,491; Pug.68; Dhs.9,62,86,172,584,999; Nett 29; Vism.145 (& sukha in contrasted relation),212,287 (in detail); DA.I,53 (characterised by ānanda); DhA.I,32; Sdhp.247,461.On relation to jhāna see the latter.In series pīti passaddhi samādhi upekkhā under sambojjhaṅga (with eleven means of cultivation:see Vism.132 & VbhA.282).– Phrase pītiyā sarīraṁ pharati “to pervade or thrill the body with joy” (aor.phari),at J.I,33; V,494; DhA.II,118; IV,102; all passages refer to pīti as the fivefold pīti,pañcavaṇṇā pīti,or joy of the 5 grades (see Dhs.trsl.11,12,and Cpd.56),viz.khuddikā (slight sense of interest),khaṇikā (momentary joy),okkantikā (oscillating interest,flood of joy),ubbegā (ecstasy,thrilling emotion),and pharaṇā pīti (interest amounting to rapture,suffusing joy).Thus given at DhsA.115 & Vism.143,referred to at DhsA.166.– pīti as nirāmisa (pure) and sāmisa (material) at M.III,85; S.IV,235. –gamanīya pleasant or enjoyable to walk M.I,117.–pāmojja joy and gladness A.III,181.307 (°pāmujja); Dh.374; DhA.IV,110; KhA 82.–pharaṇatā state of being pervaded with joy,joyous rapture,ecstasy D.III,277; Ps.I,48; Vbh.334; Nett 89.–bhakkha feeding on joy (Ep.of the Ābhassara Devas) D.I,17; III,28,84,90; A.V,60; Dh.200; A.I,110; DhA.III,258; Sdhp.255.–mana joyful-hearted,exhilarated,glad of heart or mind M.I,37; III,86; S.I,181; A.III,21; V,3; Sn.766; Nd1 3; J.III,411; Vbh.227.–rasa taste or emotion of joy VvA.86.–sambojjhaṅga the joy-constituent of enlightenment M.III,86; D.III,106,226,252,282.Eleven results of such a state are enumd at DhsA.75,viz.the 6 anussatis,upam’ânussati,lūkhapuggalaparivajjanatā,siniddha-pug.-sevanatā,pasādanīyasuttanta-paccavekkhaṇatā,tadadhimuttatā (cp.Vism.132 & VbhA.282).–sahagata followed or accompanied by joy,bringing joy Dhs.1578 (dhammā,various things or states); Vism.86 (samādhi).–sukha zest and happiness,intrinsic joy (cp.Cpd.56,243) S.I,203; D.III,131,222; Dhs.160; Vism.158; ThA.160.According to DhsA.166 “rapture and bliss,” cp.Expositor 222.–somanassa joy and satisfaction J.V,371; Sn.512; PvA.6,27,132.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

prīti [act. prī] f. plaisir, satisfaction, joie; affection, amitié; amabilité, faveur | joie de <loc. iic.> | myth. np. de Prīti la Joie personnifiée, fille de Dakṣa. prītyā i. adv. avec joie, amicalement.

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