

adjectif : cher, aimé ; plaisant, agréable

substantif (neutre) : quelque chose de plaisant, une plaisanterie ; (masculin et féminin) : une personne chère, aimée, notamment le père, la mère, les membres de la fratrie (frère/sœur), l'époux / l'épouse, l'amant(e)…

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

piya (adj.) [Vedic priya,prī,cp.Gr.proprow/n; Goth.frijōn to love,frijonds loving=E.friend; Ger.frei,freund; Ohg.Frīa=Sk.priyā,E.Friday,etc.] dear,in two applications (as stated Nd1 133=Nd2 444,viz.dve piyā:sattā vā piyā saṅkhārā vā piyā,with ref.to living beings,to sensations):1.dear,beloved (as father,mother,husband,etc.) S.I,210 (also compar.°tara); Dh.130,157,220; Vism.296,314 sq.; often combd with manāpa (pleasing,also in 2),e.g.D.II,19; III,167; J.II,155; IV,132.– 2.pleasant,agreeable,liked Sn.452,863:Dh.77,211; often combd (contrasted) with appiya,e.g.Sn.363,450 (see also below).nt.piyaṁ a pleasant thing,pleasantry,pleasure S.I,189; Sn.450,811; DhA.III,275.–appiya unpleasant M.I,86; Kh VIII,5.appiyatā unpleasantness J.IV,32.See also pīti & pema. –âpāya separation from what is dear to one,absence of the beloved A.III,57; Dh.211.–âppiya pleasant & unpleasant D.II,277 (origin of it); Dh.211.–kamya friendly disposition Vin.IV,12.–ggāhin grasping after pleasure Dh.209,cp.DhA.III,275.–cakkhu a loving eye D.III,167.–dassana lovely to behold,goodlooking D.III,167.–bhāṇin speaking pleasantly,flattering J.V,348.–manāpatā belovedness M.I,66.–rūpa pleasant form,an enticing object of sight D.I,152 (cp.DA.I,311); S.II,109 sq.; A.II,54; It.95,114; Sn.337,1086 (cp.Nd2 445); Vbh.103; Nett 27.–vacana term of endearment or esteem,used with ref.to āyasmā Nd2 130; SnA 536,etc.; or mārisa SnA 536.–vācā pleasant speech S.I,189; Sn.452.–vādin speaking pleasantly,affable D.I,60 (manāpacārin+); A.III,37; IV,265 sq.–vippayoga separation from the beloved object Sn.41 (cp.Nd2 444); PvA.161 (here with ref.to the husband); syn.with appiya-sampayoga,e.g.at Vism.504 sq

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

priya [agt. prī] a. m. n. f. priyā cher, aimé; amical, agréable | cher à <g. loc. dat. iic.> | cher, coûteux | qui aime, qui apprécie; épris de, attaché à <loc. inf.> — m. bien-aimé, mari, amant — act. n. ce qui est cher, agréable; désir, plaisir, amour; service, faveur — f. priyā bien-aimée, épouse — v. [11] pr. md. (priyāyate) aimer, chérir.

prī v. [9] pr. (prīṇāti) aor. [1] (aprīyāt) aor. [4] (apraiṣīt) pp. (prīta) pf. (ā, sam) réjouir, contenter, satisfaire; plaire, donner du plaisir — pr. md. (prīṇīte) se réjouir — ca. (prīṇayati) faire se réjouir, plaire à, réjouir — dés.(piprīṣati) désirer plaire || ang. friend; all. Freund.

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