Table des matières



pronom personnel de la 1ère personne : je/me/moi, nous

  • étymologie : skt. aham ; lat. ego

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids & William Stede

ahaṃ (prom.) [Vedic ahaṃ = Av. azəm; Gr. e)gw/(n); Lat. ego; Goth. ik, Ags. ic, Ohg. ih etc.] pron. of 1st person “I”. ↔ nom. sg. ahaṃ S iii.235; A iv.53; Dh 222, 320; Sn 172, 192, 685, 989, 1054, 1143; J i.61; ii.159. – In pregnant sense (my ego, myself, I as the one & only, i. e. egotistically) in foll. phrases: yaṃ vadanti mama . . na te ahaṃ S i.116, 123; ahaṃ asmi “I am” (cp. ahaṃkāra below) S i.129; iii.46, 128 sq.; iv.203; A ii.212, 215 sq.; Vism 13; ahaṃ pure ti “I am the first” Vv 8450 (= ahamahaṃkārā ti VvA 351). – gen. dat. mayhaṃ Sn 431, 479; J i.279; ii.160, mama S i.115; Sn 22, 23, 341, 997; J ii.159, & mamaṃ S i.116; Sn 253 (= mama C.), 694, 982. – instr. mayā Sn 135, 336, 557, 982; J i.222, 279. – acc. maṃ Sn 356, 366, 425, 936; J ii. 159; iii.26, & mamaṃ J iii.55, 394. – loc. mayi Sn 559; J iii 188. The enclitic form in the sg. is me, & functions in diff. cases, as gen. (Sn 983; J ii.159), acc. (Sn 982), instr. (J i.138, 222), & abl. – Pl. nom. mayaṃ (we) Sn 31, 91, 167, 999; J ii.159; vi.365, amhe J ii. 129, & vayaṃ (q. v.). – gen. amhākaṃ J i.221; ii.159 & asmākaṃ Sn p. 106. – acc. amhe J i.222; ii.415 & asme J iii.359. – instr. amhehi J i.150; ii.417 & asmābhi ThA 153 (Ap. 132). – loc. amhesu J i.222. ↔ The enclitic form for the pl. is no (for acc. dat & gen.): see under vayaṃ. – kāra selfishness, egotism, arrogance (see also mamaṃkāra) M iii.18, 32; S ii.253; iii.80, 136, 169 sq.; iv.41, 197, 202; A i.132 sq.; iii.444; Ud 70; Nett 127, and freq. passim.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

aham pn. * 1ère pers. je, moi ; nous || lat. ego; ang. me, us; fr. moi, me.


singulier : je/me/moipluriel : nous
accusatifmaṃamhe, asme, no
datifmayhaṃ, mama, meamhākaṃ, asmākaṃ, no
instrumentalmayā, meamhehi, no
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