

participe passé / adjectif substantivé (masculin) : qui a quitté la maison, ascète errant

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

pabbajita [pp.of pabbajati,cp.BSk.pravrājita Divy 236] one who has gone out from home,one who has given up worldly life & undertaken the life of a bhikkhu recluse or ascetic,(one) ordained (as a Buddhist friar),gone forth (into the holy life or pabbajjā) Vin.III,40 (vuḍḍha-pabbajito bhikkhu); IV,159; D.I,131 (agārasmā anagāriyaṁ p.),157; III,31 sq.,147 sq.; M.I,200,267,345,459; II,66,181; III,261; S.I,119 (dhammavinaye p.); IV,260,330; V,118 sq.,421; A.I,69,107,147,168; II,78,143; III,33,78 (vuḍḍha°),244,403 (acira°); IV,21 (cira°); V,82,348 sq.; Sn.43 (see Nd2 397),274,385,423; Dh.74,174,388; J.I,56; Pv.II,81 (=samaṇa PvA.106); II,111 (bhikkhu=kāmādimalānaṁ pabbajitattā paramatthato pabbajito PvA.146); II,1317 (=pabbajjaṁ upagata PvA.167); Miln.11; DA.I,270; DhA.I,133; PvA.5,55.

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