

verbe : sortir, quitter la maison et suivre une vie ascétique, abandonner le monde

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

pabbajati [cp.Sk.pravrajati,pra+vraj] to go forth,to leave home and wander about as a mendicant,to give up the world,to take up the ascetic life (as bhikkhu,samaṇa,tapassin,isi etc.).S.I,140,141; Sn.157,1003; imper.pabbaja DhA.I,133.Pot.pabbajeyya J.I,56; Pug.57.– Fut.pabbajissati Sn.564; DhA.I,133; IV,55.Aor.pabbaji M.III,33; S.I,196=Th.1,1255; Sn.405; Vv 826; PvA.76; ger. pabbajitvā J.I,303; PvA.21 and °vāna Sn.407.– (agārasmā) anagāriyaṁ pabbajati to go forth into the homeless state Vin.III,12; M.III,33; S.I,196; A.V,204; Pv.II,1316.sāsane become an ascetic in (Buddhas) religion,to embrace the religion (& practice) of the Buddha J.I,56; PvA.12.pabbajjaṁ pabbajati to go into the holy life (of an ascetic friar,wanderer etc.):see pabbajjā.– Caus. pabbājeti (q.v.).– pp. pabbajita

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

pravraj [pra-vraj] v. [1] pr. (pravrajati) pp. (pravrajita) avancer, se mettre en marche; errer | abandonner son foyer (pour devenir un ascète errant).

vraj v. [1] pr. (vrajati) aor. [5] (avrājīt) pp. (vrajita) pf. (anu, pari, pra) véd. être du bétail; paître | aller, marcher, s'avancer, circuler; déambuler; s'en aller; suivre le cours de sa vie.

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