

verbe : amasser, entasser, accumuler

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

cināti [Sk.cinoti & cayati,ci,to which also kāya,q.v.See also caya,cita] to heap up,to collect,to accumulate.Inf.cinituṃ Vin.II,152; pp.cita (q.v.).Pass. cīyati J.V,7.Caus. cināpeti to construct,to build J.VI,204; Miln.81.– Note cināti at J.II,302 (to weave) is to be vināti (see Kern,Toev.s.v.).– Cp.ā°,pa°,vi°.-Note.cināti also occurs as cinati in pa°.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

ci v. [5] pr. (cinoti) pr. md. (cinute) pft. (cikāya) pp. (cita) abs. (citvā, -citya) pf. (apa, ava, ā, ut, upa, nis, pari, pra, vi, sam) entasser, accumuler, amonceler; rassembler, réunir | chercher, fouiller; noter, observer — ps. (cīyate) être entassé, être réuni | prospérer, croître (opp. apaci) — ca. (cayayati) ca. (capayati) ca. (cāyayati) ca. (cāpayati) entasser, rassembler — dés.(cikīṣati) dés.(cicīṣati) vouloir rassembler.

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