

substantif (neutre) : or ; littéralement : “dans son état naturel”

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

jātarūpa “sterling,” pure metal,i.e.gold (in its natural state,before worked,cp.jambonada).In its relation to suvaṇṇa (worked gold) it is stated to be suvaṇṇavaṇṇo (i.e.the brightcoloured metal:VvA.9; DhA.IV,32:suvaṇṇo jātarūpo); at DA.I,78 it is expld by suvaṇṇa only & at Vin.III,238 it is said to be the colour of the Buddha:j.Satthu-vaṇṇa.At A.I,253 it is represented as the material for the suvaṇṇakāra (the “white”–smith as opp.to “black”–smith).– Combd w.hirañña Pv.II,75; very freq.w.rajata (silver),in the prohibition of accepting gold & silver (D.I,5)≈ as well as in other connections,e.g.Vin.I,245; II,294 sq.; S.I,71,95; IV,326 (the moral dangers of “money”:yassa jātarūpa-rajataṁ kappati pañca pi tassa kāmaguṇā kappanti); V,353,407; Dhs.617.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

jātarūpa [rūpa] a. m. n. f. jātarūpā d'une beauté innée | brillant, doré — n. or.

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