

adjectif (forme de participe futur passif) : digne de sacrifice / d'offrandes ; vénérable

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

āhuneyya,(adj.) [a grd. form. fr. ā + hu,cp. āhuti] sacrificial,worthy of offerings or of sacrifice,venerable,adorable,worshipful D.III,5,217 (aggi); A.II,56,70 (sāhuneyyaka),145 sq. (id.); IV,13,41 (aggi); It.88 (+ pāhuneyya); Vv 6433 (cp. VvA.285). See def. at Vism.219 where expld. by “āhavanīya” and “āhavanaṁ arahati” deserving of offerings.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

āhu [ā-hu] v. [3] pr. (ājuhoti) pp. (āhuta) pfp. (āhavanīya) offrir dans <loc.> (not. le feu).

ahuneyya.txt · Dernière modification : 2022/04/07 11:09 de dtrotignon
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