

substantif (neutre) : proclamation, cri (littéralement : expiration - spécialement sous le coup d'une émotion)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

udāna (nt.) [fr.ud + an to breathe] – 1.“breathing out”,exulting cry,i e.an utterance,mostly in metrical form,inspired by a particularly intense emotion,whether it be joyful or sorrowful (cp.K.S.p.29 n.2) D.I,50,92; S.I,20,27,82,160; A.I,67; J.I,76; Pug.43,62; Nett 174; PvA.67; Sdhp.514.– The utterance of such an inspired thought is usually introduced with the standing phrase “imaṁ udānaṁ udānesi” i.e.breathed forth this solemn utterance [Cp.BSk.udānaṁ udānayati Divy 99 etc.],e.g.at Vin.I,2 sq.,12,230,353; D.I,47; II,107 (udāna of triumph); S.III,55; Mhvs XIX.29; DA.I,140; Ud.1 passim; SnA 354 (“the familiar quotation about the sakyas”).Occasionally (later) we find other phrases,as e.g.udānaṁ pavatti J.I,61; abhāsi Vin.IV,54; kathesi J.VI,38.– 2.one of the aṅgas or categories of the Buddhist Scriptures:see under nava & aṅga.– Cp.vodāna.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

udāna [ut-āna] m. phil. [yoga] le flux d'élévation, l'un des 5 souffles vitaux [prāṇa].

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