

substantif (neutre) : refuge en (- °), abri, aide, protection

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

paṭisaraṇa (nt.) [paṭi+saraṇa 1] refuge in (-°),shelter,help,protection M.I,295 (mano as p.of the other 5 senses); III,9; S.IV,221; V,218; A.I,199 (Bhagavaṃ°); II,148 (sa° able to be restored); III,186 (kamma°); IV,158,351; V,355; J.I,213; VI,398.– appaṭisaraṇa (adj.) without shelter,unprotected Vin.II,153 (so read for appaṭiss°).– Note.In meaning “restoration” the derivation is paṭi+sṛ to move (Sk.saraṇa and not saraṇa protection).Cp.paṭisāraṇiya.

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