

verbe : poser, mettre, fournir

  • conjugaison : 1ère conjugaison
  • étymologie : o- + dahati
  • expression sotaṃ odahati : être attentif à…, faire attention à…, diriger son attention vers…

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

odahati [o + dahati,fr.dhā] – 1.to put down,to put in,supply M.I,117 (okacaraṃ,see under oka); II,216 (agad’ aṅgāraṃ vaṇa-mukhe odaheyya); Th.1,774 (migavo pāsaṃ odahi the hunter set a snare; Morris,J.P.T.S.1884,76 suggests change of reading to oḍḍayi,hardly justified); J.III,201 (visaṃ odahi araññe),272 (passaṃ o.to turn one’s flanks towards,Dat.); Miln.156 (kāye ojaṃ odahissāma supply the body with strength).– 2.(fig.) to apply,in phrase sotaṃ odahati to listen D.I,230; Dāvs.V,68.– pp.ohita

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

avadhā [ava-dhā_1] v. [3] pr. md. (avadhatte) pp. (avahita) pf. (vi, sam) diriger son attention sur — ps. (avadhīyate) faire attention.

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