

adjectif : pensé, compris, considéré

adjectif : mort

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

(1) mata [pp.of maññati] thought,understood,considered (as=–°),only late in use Vbh.2 (hīna° paṇīta°,doubtful reading); Sdhp.55; Mhvs 25,55 (tassā matena according to her opinion); 25,110 (pasu-samā matā,pl.considered like beasts).Cp.sam°.– Note.Does mata-sāyika at Th.1,501 (=Miln.367) belong under this mata? Then mata would have to be taken as nt.meaning “thought,thinking,” but the phrase is not without objection both semantically & syntactically.Mrs.Rh.D.(Brethren,p.240) trsls “nesting-place of thought.”

(2) mata [pp.of marati,mṛ] dead M.I,88 (ekāha° dead one day); III,159 (matam eyya would go to die); Sn.200,440; J.V,480.Neg.amata see separate article.– Note.mata at PvA.110 is to be corrected into cuta.

–kicca duty towards the dead,rites for the dead PvA.274.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

(2) mṛta [pp. mṛ] a. m. n. f. mṛtā mort, abattu; parti, disparu, consumé — n. mort | mendicité, moyen de subsistance convenable pour un brahmane [ṣaṭkarman] || fr. mort.

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