

verbe : mourir

  • conjugaison : 1ère conjugaison
  • étymologie : skt. mṛ ; lat. morior ; ang. murder ; all. Mord ; fr. mourir.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

marati [mṛ=Idg.*mer,Vedic mriyate & marate; cp.Av.miryeite,Sk.marta=Gr.brotόs mortal,man; māra death; Goth.maurpr=Ags.mort=Ger.mord; Lith.miQti to die; Lat.morior to die,mors death.The root is identical with that of mṛṇāti to crush:see maṇāti,and mṛdnāti (mardati) same:see mattikā.– The Dhtp (No.245) defines mṛ by “pāṇa-cāge,” up breathing] to die.– pres. marati Mhvs v.spur.after 5,27; 36,83; Pot. mareyyaṃ J.VI,498; 2nd mareyyāsi J.III,276.ppr.maramāna Mhvs 36,76.– aor.amarā J.III,389 (=mata C.; with gloss amari). –amari Mhvs 36,96.– Fut.marissati J.III,214.– ppr.(=fut.) marissaṃ J.III,214 (for *mariṣyanta).– Inf.marituṃ D.II,330 (amaritu-kāma not willing to die); Vism.297 (id.); VvA.207 (positive); and marituye Th.2,426.‹-› The form miyyati (mīyati) see separately.– Caus I.māreti to kill,murder Mhvs 37,27; PvA.4.Pass.māriyati PvA.5 (ppr.māriyamāna); Sdhp.139 (read mār° for marīy°).– Caus.II.mārāpeti to cause to be killed J.III,178; Mhvs 37,28.Cp.pamāreti

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

mṛ v. [6] pr. md. (mriyate) pft. (mamāra) pft. md. (mamre) aor. md. [1] (amṛta) aor. [3] (amīmarat) pp. (mṛta) inf. (martum) mourir — ca. (mārayati) faire mourir, tuer — dés.(mumūrṣati) être mourant, souhaiter mourir — int. (marīmarti) int. md. (memrīyate) agoniser

marati.txt · Dernière modification : 2023/08/26 14:35 de dtrotignon
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