

substantif (féminin) : mouvement, posture, maintien

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

iriyā(f.) [cp.from iriyati,BSk.īryā Divy 485] movement,posture,deportment M.I,81; Sn.1038 (= cariyā vatti vihāro Nd2 148); It.31; Vism.145 (+ vutti pālana yapana).–patha way of deportment; mode of movement; good behaviour.There are 4 iriyāpathas or postures,viz.walking,standing,sitting,lying down (see Ps.II,225 & DA.I,183).Cp.BSk.īryāpatha Divy 37.– Vin.I,39; II,146 (°sampanna); Vin.I,91 (chinn° a cripple); S.V,78 (cattāro i.); Sn.385; Nd1 225,226; Nd2 s.v.; J.I,22 (of a lion),66,506; Miln.17; Vism.104,128,290,396; DhA.I,9; IV,17; VvA.6; PvA.141; Sdhp.604.

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