

participe passé : parti, arrivé, dirigé vers : affecté, voué, entré dans telle ou telle condition

  • déclinaison : thème en -a
  • étymologie : gacchati
  • expressions : sugata : “bienheureux” ; duggata : “malheureux”

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

gata [pp.of gacchati in medio-reflexive function] gone,in all meanings of gacchati (q.v.) viz.1.literal:gone away,arrived at,directed to (c.Acc.),opp.ṭhita : gate ṭhite nisinne (Loc.abs.) when going,standing,sitting down (cp.gacchati 1) D.I,70; opp. āgata : yassa maggaṁ na jānāsi āgatassa gatassa vā Sn.582 (cp.gati 2).Also periphrastic (=gacchati 5 b) : aṭṭhi paritvā gataṃ “the bone fell down” J.III,26.Very often gata stands in the sense of a finite verb (=aor.gacchi or agamāsi) : yo ca Buddhaṁ ...saraṇaṁ gato (cp.gacchati 4) Dh.190 ; attano vasanaṭṭhānaṁ gato he went to his domicile J.I,280; II,160; nāvā Aggimālaṁ gatā the ship went to Aggimālā J.IV,139.‹-› applied meaning : gone in a certain way,i.e.affected,behaved,fared,fated,being in or having come into a state or condition.So in sugata & duggata (see below) and as 2nd part of Gen.,viz.gone; atthaṁ° gone home,set; addha° done with the journey (cp.gat-addhin); gone into : taṇhā° fallen a victim to thirst,tama° obscured,raho°,secluded,vyasana° fallen into misery; having reached:anta° arrived at the goal (in this sense often combd with patta:antagata antapatta Nd2,436,612),koṭi° perfected,parinibbāna° having ceased to exist.vijjā° having attained (right) knowledge; connected with,referring to,concerning:kāya° relating to the body (kāyagatā sati,e.g.Vism.111,197,240 sq.); diṭṭhi° being of a (wrong) view; saṅkhāra°,etc.– Sometimes gata is replaced by kata and vice versa:anabhāvaṁkata›anabhāvaṁ gacchati; kālagata›kālakata
agata : not gone to,not frequented:°ṁ disaṁ (of Nibbāna) Dh.323; purisantaraṁ °ṁ mātugāmaṁ “a maid who has not been with a man” J.I,290.
sugata : of happy,blessed existence,fortunate; one who has attained the realm of bliss (=sugatiṁ gata,see gati),blessed.As np.a common Ep.of the Buddha:Vin.I,35; III,1; D.I,49; S.I,192; A.II,147 et passim (see Sugata).– D.I,83; Sn.227 (see expl.KhA 183).
duggata of miserable existence,poor,unhappy,illfated,gone to the realm of miscry (duggatiṁ gata PvA.33,see gati) Pv.I,62; II,317; duggata-bhāva (poverty) J.VI,366; duggat-itthi (miserable,poor) J.I,290; parama-duggatāni kulāni clans in utmost misery (poverty) PvA.176.-Compar.duggatatara DhA.I,427; II,135.
–atta (fr.attā) self-perfected,perfect D.I,57 ( koṭippatta-citto DA.I,168); cp.paramāya satiyā ca gatiyā ca dhitiyā ca samannāgata M.I,82; –addhin (adj.of addhan) one who has completed his journey (cp.addhagata) Dh.90; –kāle (in gata-gata-kāle) whenever he went J.III,188; –ṭṭhāna place of existence PvA.38; =gamana in āgata-ṭṭhānaṁ vā:coming and going (lit.state of going) J.III,188; –yobbana (adj.) past youth,of old age A.I,138; Sn.98=124.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

gata [pp. gam] a. m. n. f. gatā allé, parti (à <acc.>); passé, révolu, perdu; venu, arrivé | qui va jusqu'à, se rendant à <acc.>; sorti, issu de <abl. iic.> — n. mise en route, départ; arrivée | marche, mouvement | le passé — ifc. étant dans ou sur <iic.>; concernant.

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