

participe passé du verbe dadāti : donné

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

dinna [Sk.dinna,pp.of dadāti] given,granted,presented etc.,in all meanings of dadāti q.v.; esp.of giving alms Pv IV.326 (=mahādāna PvA.253) & in phrase adinnādāna taking what is not given,i.e.stealing,adj.adinnādāyin stealing,refraining from which constitutes the 2nd sīla (see under sīla).– dinna : D.I,55≈(n’atthi dinnaṁ the heretic view of the uselessness of almsgiving); J.I,291; II,128; Sn.191,227,240; Dh.356; PvA.68 (given in marriage).Used as finite tense freq.,e.g.J.I,151,152; VI,366.– adinna: M.I,39,404; Sn.119 (theyyā adinnaṁ ādiyati),156,395,400,633; PvA.33 etc.
dinnādāyin taking (only) what is given D.I,4; DA.I,72; dinnadāna almsgiving J.III,52; DhA.I,396; dinnadāyin giving alms,liberal,munificent D.III,191.

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