

substantif (neutre) : observance des vœux de sainteté, en particulier célibat, chasteté, continence ; vie morale, vie sainte, vie religieuse, comme moyen de mettre fin à la souffrance

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

brahmacariya (nt.) [brahma+cariya] a term (not in the strictly Buddhist sense) for observance of vows of holiness,particularly of chastity:good & moral living (brahmaṁ cariyaṁ brahmāṇaṁ vā cariyaṁ=brahmacariyaṁ KhA 151); Buddh.sense the moral life,holy life,religious life,as way to end suffering,Vin.I,12,19,renouncing the world,study of the Dhamma D.I,84,155; II,106; III,122 sq.,211; M.I,77,147,193,205,426,463,492,514; II,38; III,36,116; S.I,38,43,87,105,154,209; II,24,29,120,219,278,284 (°pariyosāna); III,83,189; IV,51,104,110,126,136 sq.,163,253,V,7 sq.,15 sq.,26 sq.,54 sq.,233,262,272,352; A.I,50,168,225; II,26,44,185; III,250,346; IV,311; V,18,71,136; Sn.267,274 (vas-uttama),566,655,1128; Th.1,1027,1079; It.28,48,78,111; Dh.155,156,312; J.III,396; IV,52; Pv.II,913; DhA.IV,42 (vasuttamaṁ); VbhA.504.–brahmacariyaṁ vussati to live the religious life A.I,115 (cp.°ṁ vusitaṁ in formula under Arahant II.A); °assa kevalin wholly given up to a good life A.I,162; °ṁ santānetuṁ to continue the good life A.III,90; DhA.I,119; komāra° the religious training of a well-bred youth A.III,224; Sn.289.–abrahmacariya unchastity,an immoral life,sinful living M.I,514; D.I,4; Sn.396; KhA 26.–antarāya raping DhA.II,52.–ânuggaha a help to purity A.I,167; IV,167; Dhs.1348.–ûpaddava a disaster to religious life,succumbing to worldly desires M.III,116.–vāsa state of chastity,holy & pure life; a pure life A.I,253; J.III,393; Kvu 93; DhA.I,225.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

brahmacarya [carya] n. étude du Veda, apprentissage de la science sacrée | soc. 1er stade de la vie brahmanique [āśrama], état d'étudiant abstinent s'instruisant auprès de son maître [guru] | célibat, chasteté, continence | phil. [yoga] la chasteté, une des vertus

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