

adjectif & substantif (masculin) : arya ; noble, digne, distingué, de haute naissance

  • déclinaison : thème en -a
  • étymologie : skt. arya
  • expression : anariya : indigne, vil, commun, inculte…
  • voir aussi : ayira & ayya

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

(extrait ; lire la suite :

ariya (adj.-n.) [Vedic ārya,of uncertain etym.The other Pāli forms are ayira & ayya] 1.(racial) Aryan D.II,87.‹-› 2.(social) noble,distinguished,of high birth.– 3.(ethical) in accord with the customs and ideals of the Aryan clans,held in esteem by Aryans,generally approved.Hence:right,good,ideal.[The early Buddhists had no such ideas as we cover with the words Buddhist and Indian.Ariya does not exactly mean either.But it often comes very near to what they would have considered the best in each].– (adj.):D.I,70 = (°ena sīlakkhan&dcb;hena samannāgata fitted out with our standard morality); III,64 (cakkavatti-vatta),246 (diṭṭhi); M.I,139 (pannaddhaja); II,103 (ariyāya jātiyā jāto,become of the Aryan lineage); S.II,273 (tuṇhībhāva); IV,250 (vaddhi),287 (dhamma); V,82 (bojjhaṅgā),166 (satipaṭṭhānā),222 (vimutti),228 (ñāṇa),255 (iddhipādā),421 (maggo),435 (saccāni),467 (paññā-cakkhu); A.I,71 (parisā); II,36 (ñāya); III,451 (ñāṇa); IV,153 (tuṇhībhāva); V,206 (sīlakkhandha); It.35 (paññā),47 (bhikkhu sammaddaso); Sn.177 (patha = aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo SnA 216); Dh.236 (bhūmi),270; Ps.II,212 (iddhi).–alamariya fully or thoroughly good D.I,163 = III,82 = A.IV,363; nâlamariya not at all good,object,ignoble ibid.– (m.) Vin.I,197 (na ramati pāpe); D.I,37 = (yaṁ taṁ ariyā ācikkhanti upekkhako satimā etc.:see 3rd. jhāna),245; III,111 (°ānaṁ anupavādaka one who defames the noble); M.I,17,280 (sottiyo ariyo arahaṁ); S.I,225 (°ānaṁ upavādaka); II,123 (id.); IV,53 (°assa vinayo),95 (id.); A.I,256 (°ānaṁ upavādaka); III,19,252 (id.); IV,145 (dele! see arīhatatta); V,68,145 sq.,200,317; It.21,108; Dh.22,164,207; J.III,354 = Miln.230; M.I,7,135 (ariyānaṁ adassāvin:“not recognising the Noble Ones") PvA.26,146; DhA.II,99; Sdhp.444 (°ānaṁ vaṁsa).‹-› anariya (adj.& n.) not Ariyan,ignoble,undignified,low,common,uncultured A.I,81; Sn.664 (= asappurisa SnA 479; DhsA.353); J.II,281 (= dussīla pāpadhamma C.); V,48 (°rūpa shameless),87; DhA.IV,3.– See also ñāṇa,magga,sacca,sāvaka.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

arya [pfp. [1] ṛ] a. m. n. f. aryā [«qui sert avec zèle»] dévoué, fidèle, loyal; favorable, attentionné — m. arya noble, maître | soc. homme de la 3e caste [varṇa]; syn. vaiśya.

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