

adjectif & substantif (masculin) : arya ; noble, digne, distingué, de haute naissance

  • déclinaison : thème en -a
  • étymologie : forme abrégée de ayira
  • expressions : ayya / ayyo (nom. masc.) / ayyā (nom. fém.) / ayye (voc.) : ces différentes formes sont utilisées comme formule de politesse et de révérence, équivalent à “Sire”, “Monseigneur”, ou au “vous” de politesse ; ayyaputta, litt. “jeune noble”, “fils du maître” (formule d'hommage d'un serviteur)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

ayya (n. – adj.) [contracted form for the diaeretic ariya (q. v. for etym.). See also ayira] (a) (n.) gentleman, sire, lord, master J iii.167 = PvA 65; DhA i.8 (ayyā pl. the worthy gentlemen, the worthies), 13 (amhākaŋ ayyo our worthy Sir); ii.95. – (b) (adj.) worthy, gentlemanly, honourable Vin ii.191; DhA ii.94 sq. – The voc. is used as a polite form of address (cp. Ger. “Sie” and E. address “Esq.”) like E. Sir, milord or simply “you” with the implication of a pluralis majestatis; thus voc. proper ayya J i.221, 279, 308; pl. nom. as voc. ayyā in addressing several J ii.128, 415; nom. sg. as voc. (for all genders & numbers) ayyo Vin ii.215; J iii.126, 127. – f. ayyā lady, mistress M ii.96 (= mother of a prince); DhA i.398; voc. ayye my lady J v.138. – putta lit. son of an Ariyan, i. e. an aristocratic (young) man gentleman (cp. in meaning kulaputta); thus (a) son of my master (lit.) said by a servant J iii.167; (b) lord, master, “governor” J i.62 (by a servant); DA i.257 (= sāmi, opp. dāsi – putta); PvA 145 (by a wife to her husband); DhA ii.110; © prince (see W.Z.K.M. xii., 1898, 75 sq. & Epigraphia Indica iii.137 sq.) J vi.146.

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