Table des matières



substantif (neutre) : prise (notamment de nourriture ; pâturage), saisie, acquisition ; au figuré : attachement

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

ādāna (nt.) [ād + āna,or directly from ā + dā,base 1 of dadāti] taking up,getting,grasping,seizing; fig. appropriating,clinging to the world,seizing on (worldly objects). (1) (lit.) taking (food),pasturing M.III,133; J.V,371 (& °esana). – (2) getting,acquiring,taking,seizing S.II,94; A.IV,400 (daṇḍ°); PvA.27 (phal°); esp. freq. in adinn° seizing what is not given,i. e. theft:see under adinna. – (3) (fig.) attachment,clinging A.V,233,253 (°paṭinissagga); Dh.89 (id.; cp. DhA.II,163); Sn.1103 (°taṇhā),1104 (°satta); Nd1 98 (°gantha); Nd2 123,124. –an° free from attachment S.I,236 (sādānesu anādāno “not laying hold mong them that grip” trsl.); A.II,10; It.109; J.IV,354; Miln.342; DhA.IV,70 (= khandhādisu niggahaṇo). Cp. upa°,pari°.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

ādāna [act. ādā] n. prise, enlèvement; réception, acceptation d'un don.


nominatif ādānaṃ adinnādānāni
accusatif ādānaṃ adinnādānāni
instrumental adinnādānena adinnādānehi
ablatif adinnādānā, ādānasmā, ādānamhā, ādānato
datif adinnādānāya, ādānassa adinnādānānaṃ
locatif adinnādāne, ādānasmiṃ adinnādānesu
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