

substantif (neutre) : joug, attelage ; une paire, un couple ; parfois employé en place de l'adjectif numéral “deux”

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

yuga (nt.) [fr. yuj; Vedic yuga (to which also yoga)= Gr.zugόn; Lat.jugum=Goth.juk; Ohg.juh; E.yoke; Lith.jungas] 1.the yoke of a plough (usually) or a carriage DhA.I,24 (yugaṁ gīvaṁ bādhati presses on the neck); PvA.127 (ratha°); Sdhp.468 (of a carriage).Also at Sn.834 in phrase dhonena yugaṁ samāgamā which Bdhgh.(SnA 542) expls as “dhuta-kilesena buddhena saddhiṁ yugaggāhaṁ samāpanno,” i.e.having attained mastery together with the pure Buddha.Neumann,Sn.trsln not exactly:“weil abgeschüttelt ist das Joch” (but dhona means “pure”).See also below °naṅgala.– 2.(what is yoked or fits under one yoke) a pair,couple; appld to objects,as –°:dussa° a pair of robes S.V,71.; DhA.IV,11; PvA.53; sāṭaka° id.J.I,8,9; PvA.46; vattha° id.J.IV,172.– tapassi° a pair of ascetics Vv 2210; dūta° a pair of messengers S.IV,194; sāvaka° of disciples D.II,4; S.I,155; II,191; V,164; in general:purisa° (cattāri p.–yugāni) (4) pairs of men S.IV,272 sq.=It.88; in verse at Vv 4421 and 533; expld at Vism.219 as follows:yugaḷa-vasena paṭhamamagga-ṭṭho phala-ṭṭho ti idam ekaṁ yugaḷan ti evaṁ cattāri purisa-yugaḷāni honti.Practically the same as “aṭṭha purisa-puggalā.” Referring to “pairs of sins” (so the C.) in a somewhat doubtful passage at J.I,374:sa maṅgala-dosa-vītivatto yuga-yog’âdhigato na jātum eti; where C.expls yugā as kilesā mentioned in pairs (like kodho ca upanāho,or makkho ca paḷāso),and yoga as the 4 yojanas or yogas oghas?),viz.kāma°,bhava°,diṭṭhi°,avijjā°.– Also used like an adj.num.in meaning “two,” e.g.yugaṁ vā nāvaṁ two boats Dpvs.I,76.– 3.(connected by descent) generation,an age D.I,113 (yāva sattamā pitāmahā-yugā “back through seven generations.” Cp.DA.I,281:āyuppamāṇa); KhA 141 (id.); J.I,345 (purisa°).There are also 5 ages (or stages) in the [life of the] sāsana (see Brethren,p.339):vimutti,samādhi,sīla,suta,dāna.
Lire la suite à la apge : http://dsalsrv02.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philologic/getobject.pl?c.3:1:339.pali

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

yuga [obj. yuj_1] n. joug, attelage; paire | lit. une paire de stances [śloka] formant phrase; syn. yugma | phil. âge du monde; division d'un mahāyuga; il y en a 4: kṛta (ou satya), tretā, dvāpara, et kali, de durées respectives 4,3, 2, et 1; cf. mahāyuga | math. symb. le nombre 4 | astr. véd. période de 5 années — v. [11] pr. md. (yugāyate) paraître un temps infini || gr. ζυγος; lat. jugum; all. Joch; ang. yoke; fr. joug.

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