

verbe : demeurer, rester, séjourner, habiter (en un certain lieu)

  • autres emplois : vivre, avoir pour habitude, se comporter, pratiquer
  • conjugaison : 1ère conjugaison
  • étymologie : vi + harati

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

viharati [vi+harati] to stay,abide,dwell,sojourn (in a certain place); in general:to be,to live; appld:to behave,lead a life (as such expld with “iriyati” at Vism.16).Synonyms are given at Vbh.194 with iriyativattatipāletiyapetiyāpeticarati ; cp.VbhA.262.‹-› See e.g.D.I,251; Sn.136,301,925; Pug.68; DhsA.168; DA.I,70,132; PvA.22,67,78.– Special Forms : aor.3rd sg.vihāsi Sn.p.16; Pv.II,960; Mhvs 5,233; PvA.54,121; 3rd pl.vihiṁsu Th.1,925,& vihaṁsu A.II,21; fut.viharissati A.III,70; vihessati Th.1,257; vihissati Th.2,181; and vihāhisi J.I,298 (doubtful reading!),where C.expls as “vijahissati,parihāyissati”; with phrase sukhaṁ vihāhisi cp.dukkhaṁ viharati at A.I,95,and see also vihāhesi.– pp.not found.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

vihṛ [vi-hṛ_1] v. [1] pr. (viharati) pp. (vihṛta) pf. (pra) enlever, ravir, distribuer | passer le temps, se promener, circuler ; se divertir, jouer.

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