

substantif (féminin) : ressenti, “sensation”

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

vedanā (f.) [fr.ved°: see vedeti; cp.Epic Sk.vedanā] feeling,sensation (see on term,e.g.Cpd.14 D.I,45; II,58 (cp.Dial.II.54),66; III,58,77,221,228,238 (°upādāna); S.III,86 sq.; A.I,39,122,141; II,79,198,256; III,245 sq.450; IV,301,385; Kh III,(tisso v.); Sn.435,529,739,1111; Nd1 109; Nd2 551 (tisso v.); Ps.I,6,50 sq.145 sq.153 sq.; II,109 sq.181 sq.; Vbh.135 sq.294,401,403 sq.; Dhs.3,1348; Nett 27,65 sq.; 83,123,126; Tikp 246,317 sq.345 sq.; Vism.460 sq.; DA.I,125; VbhA.13 sq.39 sq.80,178,193,221 (°ânupassanā,in detail),263 sq.382 (various).– Three modes of feeling (usually understood whenever mention is made of “tisso vedanā”):sukhā (pleasant),dukkhā (painful) adukkha-m-asukhā (indifferent) D.III,275; S.II,53,82; IV,207; A.III,400; It.46; Tikp 317 sq.– or:kusalā, akusalā, avyākatā Vism.460.– Five vedanās:sukhaṁ,dukkhaṁ,somanassaṁ,domanassaṁ,upekkhā Vism.461.Categories of 2 to 108 modes of Vedanā,S.IV,223 sq.–vedanā is one of the 5 khandhas (see khandha II.B).– On relation of old and new sensations (purāṇa°›nava°) see e.g.A.II,40; III,388; IV,167; Vism.33; and see formula under yātrā.– In the Paṭiccasamuppāda (q.v.) vedanā stands between phassa as condition and taṇhā as result; see e.g.Vism.567 sq.– 2.(in special application) painful sensation,suffering,pain (i.e.dukkhavedanā) M.I,59; A.I,153 (sārīrikā bodily pain); II,116 (id.); III,143 (id.); Pv.I,1015; Miln.253 (kāyikā & cetasikā); VbhA.101 (maraṇ’antikā v.agonies of death).–vedan’aṭṭa afflicted by pain Vin.II,61; III,100; J.I,293.– As adj.vedana suffering or to be suffered Pv III,106 (=anubhūyamāna PvA.214).–vedana at J.III,349 is to be read as vetana.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

vedanā [f. vedana_1] f. douleur; torture; agonie | myth. np. de Vedanā, la Douleur personnifiée, fille d'Anṛta | bd. la sensation, un des 5 agrégats [skandha] de l'ego; c'est la 7e cause de souffrance [pratītyasamutpāda].

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