
ṭhāna / -ṭṭhāna

substantif (neutre) : litt. place, lieu, localisation ; état, attribut, qualité, principe… ; point, thème

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

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ṭhāna / -ṭṭhāna (nt.) [Vedic sthāna,sthā,see tiṭṭhati ; cp.Sk.sthāman Gr.staqmiζ, Lat.stamen]
I.Connotation. As one of the 4 iriyāpathā (behaviours) 1.contrasted (a) as standing position with sitting or reclining; (b) as rest with motion; itself without particular characterization as location.
II.Meanings - (1) Literal : place,region,locality,abode,part (-° of,or belonging to)–(a) cattāri ṭhānāni dassanīyāni four places (in the career of Buddha) to be visited D.II,140=A.II,120 – (b) kumbha° (the “locality of the pitcher,” i.e.the well) q.v.; arañña° (part of the forest) J.I,253; PvA.32; nivāsana° (abode) PvA.76; phāsuka° J.II,103; PvA.13; vasana° J.I,150,278; VvA.66; virūhana° (place for the growing of ...) PvA.7; vihāra (place of his sojourn) PvA.22; saka° (his own abode) J.II,129; PvA.66.– (c) In this meaning it approaches the metaphorical sense of “condition,state” (see 2 & cp.gati) in:dibbāni ṭhānāni heavenly regions S.I,21; tidivaṃ S.I,96; saggaṃ ṭh.a happy condition Pv.I,13; pitu gata° the place where my father went (after death) PvA.38; Yamassa ṭh.=pettivasaya PvA.59..– 2.Applied meanings‹-› (a) state,condition; also –° (in sg.) as collective-abstract suffix in the sense of being,behaviour (corresponding to E.ending hood,ion,or ing),where it resembles abstr.formations in °tā & °ttaṃ (Sk.tā & tvaṃ),as lahuṭṭhāna=lahutā & collect.formations in °ti (Sk.daśati ten-hood; devatāti godhead,sarvatāti=P.sabbattaṃ comprehensiveness; cp.also Lat.civitātem,juventūtem).– (b) (part=) attribute, quality, degree : aggasāvaka° (degrees of discipleship) VvA.2; set of 10 attributes,viz.rūpa (etc.1–5),āyu,vaṇṇa,sukha,yasa,ādhipateyya D.III,146; S.IV,275; Pv.II,958,also collectively [see (a)] as dasaṭṭhānaṃ S.I,193; out of these are mentioned as 4 attributes āyu,vaṇṇa,sukha,bala at Vv 327; other ten at A.V,129 (pāsaṃsāni).‹-› (c) (counter-part=) object (-° for),thing; item,point; pl.grounds,ways,respects.With a numeral often=a (five)fold collection of ...S.IV,249 sq.(5 objects or things,cp.Ger.fünferlei).– (d) (standpoint=) ground for (assumption) reason,supposition,principle,esp.a sound conclusion,logic,reasonableness (opp.a° see 4):garayhaṃ th.āgacchati “he advocates a faulty principle” D.I,161; catuhi ṭh.paññāpeti (four arguments) S.III,116; IV,380; ṭhāna-kusala accomplished in sound reasoning S.III,61 sq.(satta°); A.II,170 sq.Also with aṭṭhāna-kusala:see below 4.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

sthāna [act. sthā_1] n. posture, position; état, rang, fonction, dignité, grade; condition | séjour, résidence, demeure, siège; sanctuaire; trône | pièce, chambre | continuation, statu quo (tant que <i.>) | site, localité, emplacement, lieu, endroit, place; province, région, domaine | place qui convient; forteresse | défense de la position par une troupe (opp. charge [yuddha]) | occurrence, cas, section; occasion, cause | phon. position d'articulation; cf. utpattisthāna — ifc. à la place de, qui tient lieu de, qui joue le rôle de; représenté par.

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