

substantif (féminin) : bien-être, sécurité, bonne fortune, succès

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

sotthi (f.) [Sk.svasti=su+asti] well-being,safety,bless ing A.III,38=IV.266 (“brings future happiness”); J.I,335; s.hotu hail! D.I,96; sotthiṁ in safety,safely Dh.219 (=anupaddavena DhA.III,293); Pv IV.64 (=nirupaddava PvA.262); Sn.269; sotthinā safely,prosperously D.I,72,96; II,346; M.I,135; J.II,87; III,201.suvatthi the same J.IV,32.See sotthika & sovatthika. –kamma a blessing J.I,343.–kāra an utterer of blessings,a herald J.VI,43.–gata safe wandering,prosperous journey Mhvs 8,10; sotthigamana the same J.I,272.–bhāva well-being,prosperity,safety J.I,209; III,44; DhA.II,58; PvA.250.–vācaka utterer of blessings,a herald Miln.359.–sālā a hospital Mhvs 10,101.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

svasti [su_1-asti] f. bien-être; bonne fortune, succès — ind. excl. vive <dat.>! | adr. bonne chance! à votre santé! | salutations (formule de politesse pour commencer une lettre).

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