

substantif (féminin) : entraînement, étude, discipline

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

sikkhā(f.) [Vedic śikṣā],training,discipline Vin.III,23; D.I,181; A.I,238; S.II,50,131; V,378; Dhs.1004; VbhA.344 (various).– sikkhaṁ paccakkhātaka one who has abandoned the precepts Vin.I,135,167; II,244 sq.(cp.sikkhā-paccakkhāna Vin.II,279,and sikkhaṁ apaccakkhāya Vin.III,24; S.IV,190; sikkhā apaccakkhātā,ibid.); tisso sikkhā S.III,83; Ps.I,46 sq.; Miln.133,237; Nd1 39; explained as adhisīla-,adhicitta-,and adhipaññā-sikkhā A.I,234 sq.; Nett 126; with the synonyms saṁvara,samādhi & paññā at Vism.274.‹-› 2.(as one of the 6 Vedāṅgas) phonology or phonetics,combd with nirutti (interpretation,etymology) DA.I,247=SnA 447. –ānisaṁsa whose virtue is training,praise of discipline A.II,243; It.40 –ânusantatavutti whose behaviour is thoroughly in accordance with the discipline Nett 112.–kāma anxious for training Vin.I,44; D.II,101; S.V,154,163; A.I,24,238; °-tā anxiety for training J.I,161.–samādāna taking the precepts upon oneself Vin.I,146; Miln.162; A.I,238 sq.; IV,15; V,165.–sājīva system of training Vin.III,23 sq.; Pug.57.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

śikṣā [act. śikṣ] f. désir d'accomplir | apprentissage, étude; connaissance, art; science en <loc. iic.>

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