
satta (1)

  • participe passé du verbe sajjati : être attaché, qui recherche ardemment
  • déclinaison : thème en -a

satta (2)

  • substantif (masculin) : un être vivant, un être sensible, une personne
  • substantif (neutre) : le principe vital, la substance, l'âme, la conscience transmigrante (= jīvita ; viññāṇa)
  • déclinaison :
nominatif sattaṃ sattāni / sattā
instrumentalsattena / sattāsattehi
ablatifsattā / sattasmā / sattamhā / sattato
datifsattassa / sattāyasattānaṃ
locatifsatte / sattasmiṃ / sattamhisattesu

satta (3)

satta (4)

  • adjectif numéral : sept
  • déclinaison :

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

  • satta (1) [pp.of sañj: sajjati] hanging,clinging or attached to Vin.I,185; D.II,246; Nd1 23,24; Dh.342; J.I,376.Cp.āsatta1 & byāsatta.
  • satta (2) [cp,Vedic sattva living being,satvan “strong man,warrior,” fr.sant] 1.(m.) a living being,creature,a sentient & rational beiṅg, a person D.I,17,34,53,82; II,68; A.I,35 sq.,55 sq.; S.I,135; V,41; Vin.I,5; Miln.273; Vism.310 (defn:“rūp’ādisu khandhesu chandarāgena sattā visattā ti sattā,” thus=satta1); Nett 161; DA.I,51,161; VbhA.144.–naraka° a being in purgatory (cp.niraya°) Vism.500.– 2.(nt.) soul (=jīvita or viññāṇa) Pv.I,81 (gata°=vigata-jīvita PvA.40).‹-› 3.(nt.) substance Vin.I,287.nissatta non-substantial,phenomenal DhsA.38. sattāvāsa abode of sentient beings (see nava1 2) D.III,263,268; A.V,53; Vism.552; VbhA.168.–ussada (see ussada 4) teeming with life,full of people D.I,87,111,131.–loka the world of living creatures SnA 263,442; Vism.205.See also saṅkhāra-loka. –vaṇijjā slave trade DA.I,235=A.III,208 (C.:manussa-vikkaya).
  • satta (3) [pp.of sapati to curse; Sk.śapta] cursed,sworn J.III,460; V,445.
  • satta (4) (num.) [cp.Vedic sapta,Gr.e(ptά; Av.hapta; Lat.septem, etc.) number seven.It is a collective and concluding (serial) number; its application has spread from the week of 7 days (or nights),and is based on astronomical conception (Babylon!),this science being regarded as mystic,it invests the number with a peculiar magic nimbus.From time-expressions it was transferred to space,esp.when originally connected with time (like satta-bhūmaka the 7–storied palace; the Vimānas with 700 towers:see vimāna 2 & 6; or the 7 great lakes:see sara3; °yojana 7 miles,cp.the 7 league-boots!).Extremely frequent in folklore and fairy tales (cp.7 years of famine in Egypt,7 days’festivals,dragon with 7 heads,7 ravens,7 dwarfs,7 little goats,7 years enchantment,etc.etc.).‹-› For time expressions see in cpds.:°āha,°māsa,°ratta,°vassa.Cp.Sn.446 (vassāni); J.II,91 (kāyā,thick masses); DA.I,25 (of the Buddh.Scriptures:sattahi māsehi saṅgītaṁ); DhA.II,34 (dhanāni),101 (maṅgalā); the collective expression 7 years,7 months,7 days at J.V,48; the 7×70 ñāṇavatthūni S.II,59; and the curious enumeration of heptads at D.I,54.– Cases:Instr.sattahi D.I,34; Gen.sattannaṁ D.I,56; Loc.sattasu D.II,303=M.I,61. Lire la suite à la page :

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

  • sakta [pp. sañj] a. m. n. f. saktā adhérent, attaché; appartenant à, muni de <g.> | attentif; absorbé dans, dévoué à, adonné à, préoccupé de <loc. acc. iic.> | empêché, entravé, gêné (opp. asakta).
    [certains philologues évoquent aussi l'origine possible : śakta [pp. śak] a. m. n. f. śaktā capable de <inf. g. dat. i.>; puissant, fort.]
  • sattva [sat-tva] n. être, créature; fœtus; existence, réalité, nature; essence | force, énergie, courage; esprit, souffle vital, principe vital | intelligence, conscience, vérité; pureté | phil. [sāṃkhya] le Bien ou Pure Essence de l'Être, 1re qualité [guṇa] de la nature, quintessence de la pureté et de la vérité — m. créature vivante, animal; foetus, embryon | fantôme, démon, monstre |
  • śapta [pp. śap] a. m. n. f. śaptā maudit | conjuré, adjuré — n. serment.
  • saptan num. * pl. le nombre sept || gr. επτα ; lat. septem ; all. sieben ; ang. seven ; fr. sept.
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