

forme adjective composée du pronom réfléchi sa (4) + -ka : son propre…

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

saka (adj.) [sa4+ka] own D.I,106,119,231; II,173 (sakaṃ te “all be your own,” as greeting to the king); M.I,79; Vin.I,3,249 (ācariyaka); S.V,261 (id.); Sn.861; It.76; Nd1 252; Pv.I,51 (ghara); II,61 (bhātā).– Oppassaka (2). – appassaka : having little or nothing as one’s own (= daḷidda) A.I,261; II,203; kamma-ssaka : possessing one’s own kamma M.III,203 sq.; A.V,288; Miln.65; Dhs.1366.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

saka [-ka] a. m. n. f. sakā lui qui.

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