

substantif (masculin) : homme (ce qui n'est pas peta ou yakkha), homme/mâle (ce qui n'est pas itthi, femme/femelle), héros, personne ; serviteur

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

purisa [according to Geiger,Gr.§ 303 the base is *pūrṣa,from which the Vedic form puruṣa,and the Prk.-P.form purisa.The further contraction *pussa *possa yielded posa (q.v.).From the Prk.form puliśa (Māgadhī) we get pulla] man (as representative of the male sex,contrasted to itthi woman,e.g.at A.III,209; IV,197; J.I,90; V,72; PvA.51).Definitions of the C.are “puriso nāma manussa-puriso na yakkho na peto etc.” (i.e.man kat) e)coxήn) Vin.IV,269 (the same expln for purisa-puggala at Vin.IV,214); “seṭṭh’aṭṭhena puri setī ti puriso ti satto vuccati” VvA.42 –
1.man D.I,61 (p.kassaka “free man”); II,13; S.I,225; A.I,28,126; II,115; III,156; Sn.102,112,316,740,806 and passim; Dh.117,152,248; Nd1 124; PvA.3,4,165,187; VvA.13 (majjhima°,paṭhama°,as t.t.g.?).uttama° S.II,278; III,61,166; IV,380; It.97; mahā° S.V,158; A.II,35; III,223; IV,229 (see also under mahā); sappurisa (q.v.).Var.epithets of the Buddha e.g.at S.I.28 sq.– Kāpurisa a contemptible man; kimpurisa a wild man of the woods (“whatever man”),f.kimpurisī J.V,215.–purisa as “a man,some one,somebody” as character or hero in var.similes,e.g.aṅgārakāsuyaṁ khipanaka° Vism.489; asucimhi patita Vism.465; āgantuka° VbhA.23; dubbala Vism.533; papāte patanto VbhA.23 (cannot be a help to others; similarly with patita at VbhA.170=Vism.559); bhikkhusaṅghaṁ disvā Vism.333; maṇḍapa-lagga Vism.339 sq.; lakuṇṭaka-pāda & dīghapāda VbhA.26; cp.the foll.:of a man pleasing the king VbhA.442 sq.; a man wishing to perform a long journey in one day Vism.244; a man breathing when exhausted Vism.274.Frequently elsewhere.–
2.an attendant,servant,waiter Vin.II,297; D.I,60 (dāsa+),72 (id.); J.I,385 (dāsa°); VI,462.Cp.porisa,posa. –atthika one who seeks a servant Vin.II,297.–anta= purisādhama Sn.664 (anta=Sk.antya; SnA.479 explns by antimapurisa).–antaragatā touched by a man (lit.gone in by ...),a woman who has sexual intercourse,a woman in intercourse with a man D.I,166 (cp.Dial.I.228); M.I,77; A.I,295; II,206; Vin.IV,322; Pug.55 (=he does not accept food,lest their intercourse should be broken:rati antarāyo hoti PugA 231); DA.I,79 (=itthi,as opp.to kumārikā).Cp.pumaṁ gata,J.V,154.–allu (& ālu) N.of certain monstrous beings,living in the wilderness J.V,416 (=vaḷavā-mukhayakkhinī,a y.with the face of a mare),418; VI,537 (°ālu=vaḷavā-m.-pekkhī C.).–ājañña “a noble steed of a man,” a thorough-bred or remarkable man S.III,91; A.V,325 sq.,Sn.544; Dh.193; as –ājāneyya at DhA.I,310; –ājāniya at A.I,290; II,115; IV,397 sq.; V,324.–āda a bad man (“man-eater”) a wild man,cannibal J.V,25 (cp.puruṣāda Jtm 3141); °ādaka J.V,30.–ādhama a wicked man Dh.78; J.V,268.–indriya male faculty,masculinity S.V,204; A.IV,57; Dhs.634,715,839,972; Vism.447,492.–uttama “the highest of men,” an excellent man A.V,16,325 sq.; Sn.544; Dh.78; DhA.II,188.–usabha (purisusabha) “a bull of a man,” a very strong man Vin.III,39.–kathā talk about men D.I,8.–kāra manliness D.I,53 (cp.DA.I,161); Miln.96.–thāma manly strength D.I,53; S.II,28; A.II,118; IV,190.–dammasārathi guide of men who have to be restrained,Ep.of the Buddha [cp.BSk.puruṣa-damyasārathi Divy 54 and passim] S.II,69; A.I,168,207; II,56,112,147; Sn.p.103 (=vicitrehi vinayan’ûpāyehi purisadamme sāretī ti SnA 443); It.79; Pug.57; Vism.207; ThA.178.–dosā (pl.) faults or defects in a man; eight are discussed in detail at A.IV,190 sq.; Ps.I,130; eighteen at J.VI,542,548.–dhorayha a human beast of burden S.I,29.–parakkama manly energy D.I,53; S.II,28.–puggala a man,a human character D.III,5,227 (eight); S.I,220 (8); II,69,82,206; IV,272 sq.= It.88 (8) (expld at Vism.219); A.I,32,130,173,189; II,34,56; III,36,349; IV,407 (8); V,139,183 (8),330 (8); Vin.IV,212 sq.(=male); VbhA.497; –bhava state of being a man,manhood,virility J.III,124; Dhs.634,415,839; PvA.63.–bhūmi man’s stage,as “eight stages of a prophet’s existence” (Dial.I.72) at D.I,54,in detail at DA.I,162,163.–medha man-sacrifice,human sacrifice S.I,76; A.II,42; IV,151; It.21; Sn.303.–yugāni (pl.) (4) pairs of men S.IV,272 sq.; A.I,208; II,34,56; III,36; IV,407; V,330; D.III,5,227; It.88; in verse Vv 4421; expld Vism.219 (see under yuga).–lakkhaṇa (lucky) marks on a man D.I,9.–linga (see also pullinga) a man’s characteristic,membrum virile Vin.III,35; Dhs.634,715,839; Tikp 50; Vism.184.–viriya manly vigour S.II,28.–vyañjana the membrum virile (=°linga) Vin.II,269.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

puruṣa var. pūruṣa m. homme, mâle, personne; héros | fonctionnaire; serviteur | l'humanité | phil. np. de Puruṣa l'Être, l'esprit divin, le macrocosme; [sāṃkhya] l'Esprit ou ordre cosmique, principe mâle statique activé par le principe femelle dynamique de la Nature [prakṛti] | gram. personne grammaticale; cf. prathama, madhyama, uttama — v. [11] pr. md. (puruṣāyate) imiter un homme || ang. person ; fr. personne.

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