

substantif (masculin) : 1. une bosse,une boule, une masse épaisse et ronde ; une bouchée ou boulette de nourriture,tout particulièrement celle donnée en guise d'offrande de nourriture ; un conglomérat,une accumulation,une forme comprimée,un tas

  • déclinaison : thème en -a
  • étymologie : skt. piṇḍa, sans doute lié au skt. piṣ (cf. lat. pinsere, “écraser, moudre” ; fr. “piler”, “pétrir”).

Dictionary of Pali Proper names, G. P. Malalasekera

piṇḍa,[cp.Vedic piṇḍa; probably connected with piṣ i.e.crush,grind,make into a lump; Grassmann compares pīḍ to press; on other attempts at etym.see Walde,Lat.Wtb.s.v.puls] 1.a lump,ball,thick (& round) mass S.I,206 (aṭṭhīyaka°); Pv III,55 (nonīta°); VvA.62 (kummāsa°),65; Sdhp.529 (ayo°).– 2.a lump of food,esp.of alms,alms given as food S.I,76; Sn.217,388,391; J.I,7 (nibbuta° cooled); Miln.243 (para °ṁ ajjhupagata living on food given by others).piṇḍāya (Dat.) for alms, combn with carati,paṭikkamati,(gāmaṁ) pavisati,e.g.Vin.II,195; III,15; M.III,157; Sn.386; SnA 141,175; PvA.12,13,16,47,81,136 and passim.– 3.a conglomeration,accumulation,compressed form,heap,in akkhara° sequence of letters or syllables,context DhA.IV,70. –attha condensed meaning,résumé J.I,233,275,306; KhA 124,192.Cp.sampiṇḍanattha.–ukkhepakaṁ in the manner of taking up lumps (of food),a forbidden way of eating Vin.II,214=IV.195,cp.Vin.Texts I.64 (=piṇḍaṁ piṇḍaṁ ukkhipitvā C.).–gaṇanā counting in a lump,summing up DA.I,95.–cāra alms-round,wandering for alms Sn.414.–cārika one who goes for alms,begging Vin.II,215; III,34,80; IV,79; J.I,116; VvA.6.–dāyika (& °dāvika) one who deals out food (as occupation of a certain class of soldiers) D.I,51 (°dāvika); A.IV,107 (v.l.°dāyaka); Miln.331; cp.DA.I,156.See also Geiger,P.Gr.46,1; Rh.D.Dial.I.68 (trsl.“camp-follower”); Franke,Dīgha trsl.531 trsl.“Vorkämpfer” but recommends trsl.“Klossverteiler” as well).–dhītalikā a doll made of a lump of dough,or of pastry PvA.17; cp.piṭṭha°.–paṭipiṇḍa (kamma) giving lump after lump,alms for alms,i.e.reciprocatory begging J.II,82 (piṇḍa-paṭipiṇḍena jīvikaṁ kappesuṁ),307 (piṇḍapāta-paṭipiṇḍena jīvikaṁ kappenti); V,390 (mayaṁ piṇḍa-paṭipiṇḍa-kammaṁ na karoma).–pāta food received in the alms-bowl (of the bhikkhu),alms-gathering (on term see Vism.31 yo hi koci āhāro bhikkhuno piṇḍolyena patte patitattā piṇḍapāto ti vuccati,and cp.BSk.piṇḍapāta-praviṣṭha AvŚ I.359; piṇḍapāta-nirhāraka Divy 239) Vin.I,46; II,32 (°ṁ nīharāpeti),77,198,223; III,80,99; IV,66 sq.,77; M.III,297; S.I,76,92; A.I,240; II,27,143; III,109,145 sq.; V,100; Sn.339; J.I,7,149,212,233; Pug.59; Vism.31,60; VbhA.279 (°âpacāyana); SnA 374; PvA.11 sq.,16,38,240.–pātika one who eats only food received in the alms-bowl; °aṅga is one of the dhutaṅga ordinances (see dhutaṅga) Vin.I,253; II,32 (°aṅga),299 (+paṁsukūlika); III,15 (id.); M.I,30; III,41; A.III,391; Pug.59,69; SnA 57 (°dhutaṅga).–piṇḍapātika bhikkhu a bh.on his alms-round Vism.246 (in simile); VbhA.229 (id.).Cp.BSk.piṇḍapātika AvŚ I.248.–pātikatta ( prec.) the state of eating alms-food,a characteristic of the Buddhist bhikkhu M.III,41; S.II,202,208 sq.; A.I,38; III,109.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

piṇḍa m. n. boule, ballon, motte | boulette de nourriture, bouchée ; nourriture, le pain quotidien ; aumône | soc. offrande aux mânes ; cf. tripiṇḍī | corps ; mollet ; muscle ; not. pl. muscles des épaules | embryon | masse, quantité, collection | math. somme totale ; mesure d'un sinus — f. cf. piṇḍī_1 — v. [11] pr. (piṇḍayati) faire une boule, assembler, joindre.

piṣ v. [7] pr. (pinaṣṭi) pp. (piṣṭa) pf. (nis, vi, sam) moudre, piler, broyer, écraser ; détruire — ca. (peṣayati) pp. (peṣita) écraser ; moudre.

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