

substantif (masculin) : arrangement, disposition ; ordre, succession, déroulement, course ; façon d'être, habitude, propriété ; instruction, méthode (d'enseignement), discours sur…, représentation de…

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

pariyāya [fr.pari+i,cp.Class.Sk.paryāya in all meanings,already Vedic in meaning of “formula,” in liturgy,cp.below 4] lit.“going round” analysed by Bdhgh in 3 diff.meanings,viz.vāra (turn,course),desanā (instruction,presentation),and kāraṇa (cause,reason,also case,matter),see DA.I,36 and cp.Kindred Sayings I,320.– 1.arrangement,disposition,in phrase °ṁ karoti to arrange D.I,179 (trsln takes it literally “departure,” i.e.going out of one’s way,détour; or change of habit,see Dial I.245); M.I,252,326; III,7,62; S.I,142 (trsl.“make occasion” [for coming]).‹-› 2.order,succession,turn,course (=vāra) D.I,166 ≈ (°bhatta i.e.feeding in turn or at regular intervals; expld as vāra-bhatta PugA 232); M.I,78,282,481; S.II,51 sq.; A.II,206; J.V,153 (=vāra); PvA.242 (aparā°).– 3.what goes on,way,habit,quality,property S.I,146 (ceto° habits of mind,thoughts,but see also pariya); A.V,160 (citta°,see ceto).– 4.discussion,instruction,method (of teaching),discourse on (-°),representation of (-°) (=desanā); thus āditta° (of Vin.I,34) DhA.I,88; cpd.dhamma° disquisition on the Dhamma D.I,46; II,93; M.I,83; III,67; S.II,74; V,357; A.III,62; IV,166,381; Sn.p.218; also in foll.:vitakka° M.I,122; deva° A.III,402 sq.; peta° PvA.92; cp.Vism.41 (°kathā).– Abhidhamma terminology,specifically:pariyāyena,the mode of teaching in the Suttanta,ad hominem,discursively,applied method,illustrated discourse,figurative language as opposed to the abstract,general statements of Abhidhamma=nippariyāyena,nippariyāyato Vism.473,499; cp.DhsA.317 (figuratively).– 6.mode,manner,reason,cause,way (=kāraṇa) D.I,185 (iminā °ena),186 (id.); II,339 (ayaṁ p.yena °ena); DA.I,106 (tena tena °ena in some way or other); DhsA.366 (iminā °ena for this reason); phrase aneka-pariyāyena in many (or various) ways Vin.I,16,45; D.I,1 (cp.DA.I,36),174; M.I,24; A.I,56; Sn.p.15.– 7.winding round (of a tree:branch),in doubtful reading at J.VI,528 (see pariyā).– See also nippariyāya.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

paryāya [act. parī] m. tour, révolution, parcours; répétition, succession; manière de procéder | période, intervalle de temps; fois | suite récurrente; formule répétée | synonyme; terme équivalent | jn. développement normal d'un phénomène du début à sa fin.

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