

substantif (neutre) : effort, lutte, concentration de l'esprit
adjectif : principal, le plus important

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

padhāna (nt.) [ā,cp.padahati] exertion,energetic effort,striving,concentration of mind D.III,30,77,104,108,214,238; M.II,174,218; S.I,47; II,268; IV,360; V,244 sq.; A.III,65–67 (5 samayā and 5 asamayā for padhāna),249; IV,355; V,17 sq.; Sn.424,428; It.30; Dh.141; J.I,90; Nd2 394 (=viriya); Vbh.218 (citta-samādhi p° etc.); Nett 16; DA.I,104; DhA.I,85 (mahā-padhānaṁ padahitvā); ThA.174; PvA.134.Padhāna is fourfold,viz.saṁvara°,pahāna°,bhāvana°,anurakkhaṇā° or exertion consisting in the restraint of one’s senses,the abandonment of sinful thoughts,practice of meditation & guarding one’s character.These 4 are mentioned at D.III,225; A.II,16; Ps.I,84; II,14 sq.,56,86,166,174; Ud.34; Nd1 45,340; Sdhp.594.‹-› Very frequently termed sammappadhāna [cp.BSk.samyak-pradhāna MVastu III,120; but also samyakprahāṇa,e.g.Divy 208] or “right exertion,” thus at Vin.I,22; S.I,105; III,96 (the four); A.II,15 (id.); III,12; IV,125; Nd1 14; Ps.I,21,85,90,161; SnA 124; PvA.98.– As padahana at Ps.I,17,21,181.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

pradhāna [agt. pradhā_1] adj. m. n. f. pradhānā principal, prééminent — subst. n. partie principale ou essen­tielle ; personne principale, chef | phil. [sāṃkhya] la Nature Primordiale [mūlaprakṛti] sous sa forme du Principe Préétabli inerte, préalable à son évolution [pariṇāma] en les phénomènes du monde matériel ; support et cause de l'univers | gram. (substantif) objet principal d'une phrase ; opp. gauṇa | gram. composant primaire ou principal d'un mot composé; opp. upasarjana — iic. le plus important, le mieux, le principal de — ifc. qui consiste principalement en.

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