substantif (neutre) : nom
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nāma (nt.) [Vedic nāman,cp.Gr.o]/noma (a)n-w/numos without name]; Lat.nomen; Goth.namō; Ags.noma,Ohg.namo] name.– 1.Literal.Nom.nāmaṃ S.I,39; Sn.808; J.II,131; Miln.27; Acc.nāmaṃ PvA.145 (likhi:he wrote her name).– nāmaṃ karoti to give a name Sn.344; Nd2 466 (n’etaṃ nāmaṃ mātarā kataṃ on “Bhagavā”); J.I,203,262 (w.double Acc.).– nāmaṃ gaṇhāti to call by name,to enumerate J.IV,402; PvA.18 (v.l.BB nāmato g.).Definitions at Vin.IV,6 (two kinds hīna° & ukkatṭha°) and at Vism.528 (=namanalakkhaṇa).
2.Specified.nāma as metaphysical term is opposed to rūpa,& comprises the 4 immaterial factors of an individual (arūpino khandhā,viz.vedanā saññā saṅkhāra viññāṇa; see khandha II.Ba).These as the noëtic principle combd with the material principle make up the individual as it is distinguished by “name & body” from other individuals.Thus nāmarūpa= individuality,individual being.These two are inseparable (aññamaññûpanissitā ete dhammā,ekato va uppajjanti Miln.49).
Nāma+rūpa form an elementary pair D.III,212; Kh IV.Also in the Paṭicca-samuppāda (q.v.),where it is said to be caused (conditioned) by viññāṇa & to cause saḷāyatana (the 6 senses).Synonymous with nāmarūpa is nāmakāya ‹-› In this connection to be mentioned are var.definitions of nāma as the principle or distinguishing mark (“label”) of the individual,given by Coms
3.Use of Cases.Instr. nāmena by name PvA.1 (Petavatthū ti n.); Mhvs VII.32 (Sirīsavatthu n.).– Acc. nāma (the older form,cp.Sk.nāma) by name S.I,33,235 (Anoma°); Sn.153,177; J.I,59 (ko nām’esa “who by name is this one”=what is his name),149 (nāmena Nigrodhamigarājā n.),203 (kiṃsaddo nāma esa); II,4; III,187; VI,364 (kā nāma tvaṃ).See also evaṃnāma,kinnāma; & cp.the foll.
4.nāma (Acc.) as used as emphatic particle=just,indeed,for sure,certainly J.I,222; II,133,160,326; III,90; PvA.6,13,63 etc.Therefore exclamation & exhortation (“please,” certainly) J.VI,367; DhA.III,171; PvA.29 (n.detha do give); in combn with interr.pron.=now,then J.I,221 (kiṃ n.),266 (kathaṃ n.); III,55 (kiṃ); Kh IV.(ekaṃ n.kiṃ); with neg.=not at all,certainly not J.I,222; II,352; III,126 etc.– Often further emphasised or emphasising other part.; e.g.pi (=api) nāma really,just so Vin.I,16 (seyyathā p.n.); Sn.p.15 (id.); VvA.22 (read nāma kāro); PvA.76; app’(=api) eva n.thus indeed,forsooth Vin.I,16; It.89=M.I,460; J.I,168; Pv.II,26 (=api nāma PvA.80); eva nāma in truth PvA.2; nāma tāva certainly DhA.I,392,etc.
nāman [jñā_1-man] n. caractéristique, forme | nom, appellation; nom propre personnel (opp. gotra) | soc. imposition d'un nom de religion (not. -dāsa dans le courant dévotionnel [bhakti] de la tradition vaiṣṇava) | gram. substantif — acc. nāma adv. cl. cf. nāma_1 | nommé, de nom | renommé, fameux — f. nāmnī ifc. nommée, de nom — ind. cl. nāmnā de nom | <interr.> je vous prie, s'il vous plaît || lat. nomen; ang. name; all. Name; fr. nom.
nāma [acc. de nāman] prép. cl. certes, bien entendu; en vérité, certainement, bien sûr | pourtant, néanmoins | <interr.> je vous prie | de nom.