

substantif (neutre) : ornement, parure, décoration

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

maṇḍana (nt.) [fr.maṇḍ] ornament, adornment, finery D.I,5,7; J.VI,64; Pug.21,58; Vbh.351; VbhA.477; Dhtm 13.See under mada. –ânuyoga practice of ornamenting,fondness of finery Vin.I,190.–jātika of an ornament (-loving) nature,fond of dressing D.I,80=Vin.II,255=M.II,19,32.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

maṇḍana [act. maṇḍ] a. m. n. f. maṇḍanā qui orne, qui décore <g.> — n. ornement, parure, décoration — f. maṇḍanā ifc. id.
maṇḍ v. [1] pr. (maṇḍati) pp. (maṇḍita) orner, parer, décorer — ca. (maṇḍayati) id.

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