

substantif (neutre) : champ, terrain (arable) ; endroit, lieu

  • déclinaison : thème en -a
  • étymologie : skt. kṣi
  • expression : puññakkhetta, “champ de bienfaits” (ou de “mérites”)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

khetta,(nt.) [Vedic kṣetra,to kṣi,kṣeti,kṣiti,dwelling-place,Gr.kti/zw,Lat.situs founded,situated,; cp.also Sk.kṣema “being settled,” composure.See also khattiya.Dhammapāla connects khetta with kṣip & trā in his expln at PvA.7:khittaṁ vuttaṁ bījaṁ tāyati ...ti khettaṁ]
1.(lit.) a field,a plot of land,arable land,a site,D.I,231; S.I,134 (bījaṁ khette virūhati; in simile); three kinds of fields at S.IV,315,viz.agga°,majjhima°,hīna° (in simile); A.I,229=239; IV,237 (do.); Sn.524; J.I,153 (sāli-yava°); Pv.II,968=DhA.III,220 (khette bījaṁ ropitaṁ); Miln.47; PvA.62; DhA.I,98.Often as a mark of wealth=possession,e.g.D.III,93 in defn of khattiya:khettānaṁ patī ti khattiya.,In the same sense connected with vatthu (field & farm cp.Haus und Hof),to denote objects of trade,etc.D.I,5 (expld at DA.I,78:khetta nāma yasmiṁ pubbaṇṇaṁ rūhati,vatthu nāma yasmiṁ aparaṇṇaṁ rūhati,“ where the first crop grows and v.where the second.” A similar expln at Nd1 248,where khetta is divided into sāli°,vīhi.mugga°,māsa°,yava°,godhūma°,tila°,i.e.the pubbaṇṇāni,and vatthu expld ghara°,koṭṭhaka°,pure°,pacchā°,ārāma°,vihāra° without aṇṇa.) S.II,41; Sn.769.Together with other earthly possessions as wealth (hirañña,suvaṇṇa) Sn.858; Nd2 on lepa,gahaṭṭha,etc.As example in definition of visible objects Dhs.597; Vbh.71 sq.– Kasī° a tilled field,a field ready to bear Pv.I,12,cp.PvA.8; jāti° “a region in which a Buddha may be born” (Hardy,after Childers s.khetta) PvA.138.Cp.the threefold division of a Buddha-kkhetta at Vism.414,viz.jāti°,āṇā°,visaya°.–
2.fig.(of kamma the soil of merit,the deposit of good deeds,which,like a fertile field,bears fruit to the advantage of the “giver” of gifts or the “doer” of good works.See dakkhiṇeyya°,puñña° (see detailed expln at Vism.220; khetta here= virūhana-ṭṭhāna),brahma°.– A.I,162,223 (kammaṁ,khettaṁ,viññāṇaṁ bījaṁ); IV,237; It.98; VvA.113.‹-› akhetta barren soil A.III,384 (akhettaññu not finding a good soil); IV,418 (do.); PvA.137.Sukhetta a good soil,fertile land S.I,21; PvA.137; opp.dukkhetta S.V,379.–ûpama to be likened to a (fruitful) field,Ep.of an Arahant Pv.I,11; –kammanta work in the field A.III,77; –gata turned into a field,of puññakamma “good work becoming a field of merit” PvA.136,191; –gopaka a field watcher J.III,52; –ja “born on one’s land,” one of the 4 kinds of sons Nd1 247; Nd2 448; J.I,135.–jina one unsurpassed in the possession of a “field” Sn.523,524; –pāla one who guards a field J.III,54; –mahantatā the supremeness of the field (of merit) VvA.108; –rakkhaka the guardian of a field J.II,110; –vatthu possession of land & goods (see above) D.III,164; S.V,473=A.II,209; A.V,137; Pug.58; PvA.3; –sampatti the successful attainment of a field of (merit) PvA.198; VvA.102; see VvA.30,32 on the three sampattis,viz.khetta°,citta°,payoga°; –sāmika the owner of the field Miln.47; VvA.311.–sodhana the cleaning of the field (before it is ploughed) DhA.III,284.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

kṣetra [instr. kṣi] n. propriété, domaine; champ, plaine, campagne | endroit, emplacement, lieu; figure géométrique; lieu de pèlerinage | épouse; corps
kṣi v. [2] pr. (kṣeti) pf. (pari) véd. posséder, gouverner; être maître de <g.> — v. [1] pr. (kṣayati) id. — v. [6] pr. (kṣiyati) habiter, demeurer, résider | être tranquille; être caché.

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