verbe : avec locatif - douter, être incertain, irrésolu ; avec accusatif - espérer, s'attendre à, escompter
kaṅkhati [Sk.kāṅkṣ cp.śaṅk,Lat.cunctor] 1.with Loc.: to be uncertain,unsettled,to doubt (syn.vicikicchati,with which always combined).Kaṅkhati vicikicchati dvīsu mahāpurisa-lakkhaṇesu D.I,106 is in doubt and perplexity about (Bgh’s gloss,patthanaṁ uppādati DA.I,275,is more edifying than exact.)=Sn.107; na kaṅkhati na vicikicchati S.II,17=III,135; kaṅkheyya vicikiccheyya S.II,50,54; III,122; V,225 (corr.khaṅkheyya!) 226; same with Satthari kaṅkheyya dhamme° saṅghe° sikkhāya° A.IV,460=V.17=M.I,101=Dhs.1004; cp.Dhs.1118.– 2.with Acc.: to expect,to wait for,to look forward to.Kālaṁ abide one’s time,to wait for death S.I,65 (appiccho sorato danto k.k.bhāvito (so read for bhatiko) sudanto); Sn.516 (id.with bhāvito sadanto); It.69 (id.bhāvitatto).-J.V,411 (=icchati); VI,229 (=oloketi).pp. kaṅkhita S.III,99; Sn.540; (+vicikicchita); inf.kaṅkhituṁ S.IV,350=399 (+vicikicchituṁ).
kāṅkṣ v. [1] pr. (kāṅkṣati) pp. (kāṅkṣita) pf. (ā) désirer, espérer; aspirer à <acc. dat.>.