substantif (masculin) : temps
kāla (and kāḷa) – Preliminary. 1. dark (syn. kaṇha, which cp. for meaning and applications), black, blueblack, misty, cloudy. Its proper sphere of application is the dark as opposed to light, and it is therefore characteristic of all phenomena or beings belonging to the realm of darkness, as the night, the new moon, death, ghosts, etc. – There are two etymologies suggestible, both of which may have been blended since IndoAryan times: (a) kāla=Sk. kāla, blue – black, kālī black cloud from *qāl (with which conn. *qel in kalanka, spot, kalusa dirty, kammāsa speckled, Gr. kelaino/s, Mhg. hilwe mist)=Lat. cālidus spot, Gr. khli/s spot, and khla/s dark cloud; cp. Lat. cālīgo mist, fog, darkness. – (b) see below, under note. – Hence. 2. the morning mist, or darkness preceding light, daybreak, morning (cp. E. morning=Goth. maúrgins twilight, Sk. marka eclipse, darkness; and also gloaming= gleaming=twilight), then: time in general, esp. a fixed time, a point from or to which to reckon, i. e. term or terminus (a quo or ad quem).
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kāla [vr. kal] m. temps; moment; heure, jour, saison; occasion, circonstance | not. temps du repas (2 fois par jour) | intervalle de temps, période | temps approprié pour <g. dat. loc. iic. opt.-yad> | période du jour, comprenant 3 moments [muhūrta] (2 h 24); il y en a 5 dans la journée diurne; cf. prātastana, saṃgava | phil. le Temps, l'une des 9 substances [dravya_1] du vaiśeṣika | la destinée, la mort | myth. np. de Kāla_1, épith. de Yama-Mṛtyu, le dieu de la Mort, sous son aspect du Temps destructeur — loc. kāle adv. ifc. au temps de || lat. kalandae; fr. calendrier.