

substantif (masculin) : odeur, senteur ; parfum

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

gandha [Vedic gandha,from ghrā ghrāti to smell,ghrāna smell,& see P.ghāna.Possibly conn.w.Lat.fragro= E.fragrant] smell,viz.-1.odour,smell,scent in Gen.J.III,189; Dh.54–56=Miln.333; Dhs.605 under ghānâyatanāni); āma° smell of raw flesh A.I,280; D.II,242; Sn.241 sq; maccha° the scent of fish J.III,52; muttakarīsa° the smell of fæces and urine A.III,158; catujāti° four kinds of scent J.I,265; PvA.127; dibba-g°puppha a flower of heavenly odour J.I,289.– 2.odour,smell in particular:enumerated as mūla°,sāra°,puppha°,etc.,S.III,156=V.44=A.V,22; Dhs.625 (under ghandāyatanāni,sphere of odours).Specified as māla°,sāra°,puppha° under tīṇi gandhajātāni A.I,225; – puppha° Dh.54=A.I,226.– 3.smell as olfactory sensation,belonging to the sphere (āyatanāni) of sense-impressions and sensory objects & set of the 12 ajjhatta-bāhirāni āyatanāni (see under rūpa) with ghānena gandhaṁ ghāyitvā “sensing smell by means of the olfactory organ” D.III,102; 244=250= 269=Nd2 on rūpa; M.III,55,267; S.IV,71; Vin.I,35; Defined at Vism.447.Also as gandhā ghānaviññeyya under kāmaguṇā M.II,42; D.III,234,etc.In series of 10 attributes of physical quality (-rūpa,etc.) as characteristic of devas D.III,146; Pv.II,958; as sāra°,pheggu°,taca°,etc.(nine qualities in all) in definition of Gandhabba-kāyikā devā S.III,250 sq.
duggandha : a disagreeable smell Dhs.625; °ṁ vāyati to emit a nasty odour PvA.14; as adj.having a bad smell,putrid Sn.205; PvA.15 (=pūtigandha),f.–ā:duggandhā pūti vāyasi “you emit a bad odour”) Pv.I,61 (=aniṭṭha°).–sugandha an agreeable smell Dhs.625; as adj.of pleasant smell J.III,277; Sdhp.246.
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Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

gandha m. odeur, senteur; parfum | phil. [sāṃkhya] l'odeur, perception [tanmātra] du sens de l'odorat [ghrāṇa]; il est régi [niyantṛ] par la paire des Aśvinau | phil. [vaiśeṣika] la qualité [guṇa] de l'odeur; on caractérise 9 sortes d'odeurs: iṣṭa_1 (agréable), aniṣṭa (désagréable), madhura (sucrée), kaṭu (âcre), nirhārin (diffusante), saṃhata (dense), snigdha (grasse), rūkṣa (rude), viśada (pure); on ajoute parfois amla (acide) — f. gandhā ifc. qui a l'odeur de | juste un parfum de; petite quantité de; petit | relation, connection | fierté; arrogance — f. gandhā cf. gandhapalāśī — n. gandha odeur.

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