

adjectif : devant être dompté ou apprivoisé

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

damma (adj.) [Sk.damya,grd.of dāmyati see dameti & cp.damaya (damiya)] to be tamed or restrained ; esp.with ref.to a young bullock M.I,225 (balagāvā dammagāvā the bulls & the young steers); It.80; also of other animals:assadamma-sārathi a horse-trainer A.II,112; & fig.of unconverted men likened to refractory bullocks in phrase purisa-damma-sārathi (Ep.of the Buddha) “the trainer of the human steer” D.I,62 (misprint °dhamma°)=II.93=III,5; M.II,38; A.II,112; Vv 1713 (nara-vara-d.-sārathi cp.VvA.86.

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