

substantif (masculin) : brahmane, religieux brahmanique

  • déclinaison : thème en -a
  • étymologie : skt. relatif au brahman, l'absolu, le principe suprême indifférencié
  • commentaire : dans les textes bouddhiques, le terme brāhmaṇa est souvent employé pour désigner une personne vivant de manière ascétique, un mode de vie simple, pur et chaste (selon la brāhma-cariya) ; il est aussi souvent employé comme synonyme d'arahant.
  • expression : brāhmaṇi pajā, “cette génération de brāhmanes” (notamment dans l'expression so imaṃ lokaṃ sassamaṇabrāhmaṇiṃ pajaṃ, “ce monde avec ses samaṇa et ses brāhmaṇa”)

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

brāhmaṇa [fr.brahma; cp.Vedic brāhmaṇa,án] a member of the Brahman caste; a Br.teacher.In the Buddhist terminology also used for a man leading a pure,sinless & ascetic life,often even syn.with arahant.– On brāhmaṇas as a caste & their representation in the Jātaka collection see Fick,Sociale Gliederung;,pp.117–162.– Var.fanciful etymologies,consisting of a word-play,in P.definitions are e.g.“sattannaṁ dhammānaṁ bāhitattā br." (like def.of bhikkhu) Nd1 86=Nd2 464a (cp.Sn.519); ye keci bho-vādikā Nd1 249=Nd2 464b; brahā – sukhavihāra – jhāna – jhāyin Miln.226; pāpaṁ bāhesuṁ D.III,94; bāhita-pāpattā br.DhA.III,84; ariyā bāhita-pāpattā br.DA.I,244.– pl.brāhmaṇāse Sn.1079 sq.– Var.refQ in the Canon to all meanings of the term:D.I,90,94,104,119 sq.,136 (mahāsālā),150 (°dūta),247; III,44 sq.,61,83 sq.,94 sq.(origin of),147,170,258 (°mahāsālā),270; M.I,271 (°karaṇā dhammā),280; II,84,148,177; III,60,270 (a bhikkhu addressed as br.); S.I,47,54,94 sq.,99 (°kumāra),117,125,160 sq.; II,77,259; IV,157; V,194; A.I,66,110,163 (tevijjā); 166; II,176; III,221 sq.(brāhmaṇa-vagga); It.57 sq.,60,98,101; J.III,194; IV,9; VI,521 sq.; Vbh.393 sq.For br.with the meaning “arahant" see also:Vin.I,3; II,156 (br.parinibbuta); Th.1,140,221 (brahma-bandhu pure āsiṁ,idāni kho’mhi brāhmaṇo); Dh.383 sq.; Sn.passim (e.g.v.142 kammanā hoti brāhmaṇo; 284 sq.); J.IV,302 sq.; Miln.225.Ten kinds of Br.are pronounced to be apetā brahmaññā degraded fr.brahmanship J.IV,361 sq.Diff.schools of br.teachers are enumd at D.I,237 sq.(Tevijja Sutta).–brāhmaṇānaṁ pubbakā isayo mantānaṁ kattāro “the ten inspired Seers of old times,who composed the Vedic hymns"; their names are Aṭṭhaka, Vāmaka, Vāmadeva, Vessāmitta, Yamataggi, Aṅgirasa, Bhāradvāja, Vāseṭṭha, Kassapa, Bhagu Vin.I,245; D.I,104; A.III,224; IV,61; cp.VvA.265.– f.brāhmaṇī (n.or adj.) the wife of a brāhmaṇa D.I,193; J.V,127 (of a purohita or high priest); DhA.I,33; IV,176; PvA.55,61, combn brāhmaṇī pajā this generation of brāhmaṇas,e.g.D.I,249; A.I,260; II,23 (see pajā). –ibbhā Brahmins & Vaiśyas J.VI,228 sq.–kumārikā a brahmin young girl J.III,93.–kula a br.clan or family J.II,85,394,411; III,147,352; PvA.21,61.–gahapatikā priests & laymen (“clerk & yeoman" S.B.E.XI.258) D.II,178; III,148,153,170 sq.; S.I,59,184; A.I,110; Vin.I,35; J.I,83.–gāma a br.village Vin.I,197; D.I,87,127; S.I,111; J.II,368; III,293; IV,276.–dhamma duty of a br.; see on contrast between Brahmaṇic & Buddhist view J.IV,301 sq.,cp.also SnA 312–325 (br.-dhammika-suta) & Fick,l.c.124.–putta son of a br.PvA.62.–bhojana giving food (alms) to brahmans Vin.I,44.–māṇava a young brahmin J.IV,391.–rūpa (in) form of a br.PvA.63.–vaḍḍhakī a br.carpenter J.IV,207.–vaṇṇin having the appearance of a brahmin Cp.X.10.–vācanaka a br.disputation,some sort of elocution show J.I,318; IV,391.–vāṭaka circle of brahmins DhA.IV,177 (v.l.°vādaka).–vāṇija a br.merchant PvA.113.–sacca a brahmanic (i.e.standard,holy) truth A.II,176 (where the Buddha sets forth 4 such br.–saccāni,diff.from the usual 4 ariyasaccāni).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

brāhmaṇa [brāhma-na] a. m. n. f. brāhmaṇī relatif ou convenant à un brahmane — m. brahmane, personne de la première classe védique [varṇa] | pl. brāhmaṇās soc. la classe des brahmanes; les prêtres en font partie, mais beaucoup sont cuisiniers, ne pouvant accepter la nourriture préparée par des personnes de classe inférieure; ils portent le cordon sacré [upavīta] à partir de leur investiture [upanayana] — n. lit. nom générique d'ouvrages complémentant la saṃhitā védique — f. brāhmaṇī femme brahmane.

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