

adverbe (invariable) : autrefois, jadis, anciennement ; litt. : “avant toute existence”, avant la survenue du monde

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

bhūtapubba (a) as adj.(-°) having formerly been so & so,as mātā bhūtapubbo satto,pitā etc.,in untraced quotation at Vism.305; also at SnA 359 (Bhagavā kuṇāla-rājā bhūtapubbo).
(b) as adv.(bhūtapubbaṃ) meaning : before all happening,before creation,at a very remote stage of the world,in old times,formerly Vin.II,201; D.I,92; II,167,285,337; M.I,253; III,176; S.I,216,222,227; IV,201; V,447; A.IV,136=Vism.237; A.IV,432; J.I,394; DhA.I,56.

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