

substantif (masculin) : séjour, demeure, lieu de résidence, habitation

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

āvāsa [Sk.āvāsa; ā + vas] sojourn,stay,dwelling,living; dwelling-place,residence Vin.I,92; D.III,234; S.IV,91; A II 68,168; III,46,262; Sn.406; Dh.73 (cp.DhA.II,77); Nd1 128; J.VI,105; Dhs.1122; Pug,15,19,57; KhA 40; DhA.I,177 (āvāsaṁ ālimpeti:read āvāpaṁ); PvA.13,14,36; VvA.113; Sdhp.247.–anāvāsa (n.& adj.) uninhabited,without a home; an uninhabited place A.IV,345; J.II,77; Pv.II,333; PvA.80 (= anāgāra); VvA.46. –kappa the practice of (holding Uposatha in different) residence (within the same boundary) Vin.II,294,300,306; Dpvs.IV,47,cp.V.18.–palibodha the obstruction of having a home (in set of 10 Palibodhas) KhA 39; cp.Vism.90 sq.–sappāyatā suitability of residence Vism.127.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

āvāsa [obj. āvas] m. demeure, résidence; maison.

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