

substantif (neutre) : nourriture (fréquent sous la forme négative anasana : famine)

substantif (neutre) : flèche

  • déclinaison : thème en -a
  • étymologie : du skt. asanā ; du verbe as (2) / asati : jeter, lancer ; brandir (une arme) ; rejeter, repousser


substantif (neutre) : siège, trône ; assis

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

āsana (nt.) [from āsati] sitting, sitting down ; a seat, throne M i.469; Vin i.272 (= pallankassa okāsa); S i.46 (ekāsana sitting alone, a solitary seat); A iii.389 (anāsana without a seat); Sn 338, 718, 810, 981; Nd1 131; J iv.435 (āsānūdaka … dāyin giving seat & drink); v.403 (id.); vi.413; DhA ii.31 (dhammāsana the preacher's seat or throne); SnA 401; PvA 16, 23, 141. āsanābhihara gift or distinction of the seat J i.81. – āsanūpagata endowed with a seat, sitting down Sn 708 (= nisinna SnA 495). – āsanapaññāpaka one who appoints seats Vin ii.305. – āsanapaṭikkhitta one who rejects all seats, or objects to sitting down D i.167; A i.296; ii.206; Pug 55. – āsanasālā a hall with seating accommodation Vism 69; DhA ii. 65; iv.46.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

āsana [act. ās_2] n. siège; poste, situation | posture, manière d'être assis | phil. posture rituelle de yoga | séance, session ; tribunal

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