

verbe : adresser la parole à, parler à, saluer ; inviter, consulter

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

āmanteti [denom. of ā + *mantra] to call,address,speak to,invite,consult J.VI,265; DA.I,297; SnA 487 (= ālapati & avhayati); PvA.75,80,127. – aor. āmantesi D.II,16; Sn.p. 78 (= ālapi SnA 394) & in poetry āmantayi Sn.997; Pv.II,27; 37 (perhaps better with v. l. SS samantayi). – ger. āmanta (= Sk. *āmantrya) J.III,209,315 (= āmantayitvāˊ C.),329; IV,111; V,233; VI,511. ‹-› pp. āmantita (q. v.). – Caus. II. āmantāpeti to invite to come,to cause to be called,to send for D.I,134 (v. l. āmanteti); Miln.149.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

āmantra [ā-mantra] v. [11] pr. md. (āmantrayate) pp. (āmantrita) adresser la parole à, saluer, parler à ; sommer | dire au revoir, prendre congé.

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