

substantif (masculin) : début, commencement, principe
adjectif & adverbe : premier, principal, primordial ; initialement

  • déclinaison : thème en -i
  • étymologie : incertaine…
  • expression : ādi-kalyāṇa majjhe-kalyāṇa pariyosāna-kalyāṇa : “bon au début, bon au milieu, bon à la fin”“

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

ādi [Sk. ādi,etym. uncertain] –
1. (m.) starting-point,beginning Sn.358 (Acc. ādiṁ = kāraṇaṁ SnA 351); Dh.375 (Nom. ādi); Miln.10 (ādimhi); J.VI,567 (Abl. ādito from the beginning). For use as nt. see below 2 b. –
2. (adj. & adv.) (a) (°-) beginning, initially, first, principal, chief :see cpds. – (b) (°-) beginning with,being the first (of a series which either is supposed to be familiar in its constituents to the reader or hearer or is immediately intelligible from the context),i. e. and so on,so forth (cp. adhika); e. g. rukkha-gumb-ādayo (Acc. pl.) trees,jungle etc. J.I,150; amba-panas’ādīhi rukkehi sampanno (and similar kinds of fruit) J.I,278; amba-labuj’ādīnaṁ phalānaṁ anto J.II,159; asi-satti-dhami-ādīni āvudhāni (weapous,such as sword,knife,bow & the like) J.I,150; kasi-gorakkh’ādīni karonte manusse J.II,128; . . . ti ādinā nayena in this and similar ways J.I,81; PvA.30. Absolute as nt. pl. ādinī with ti (evaṁ) (ādīni),closing a quotation,meaning “this and such like”,e. g. at J.II,128,416 (ti ādīni viravitvā). – In phrase ādiṁ katvā meaning “putting (him,her,it) first”,i. e. heginning with,from . . . on,from . . . down (c. Acc.) e. g. DhA.I,393 (rājānaṁ ādiṁ K. from the king down); PvA.20 (vihāraṁ ādikatvā),21 (pañcavaggiye ādiṁ K.). –kammika [cp. BSk. ādikarmaka Divy 544] a beginner Vin.III,146; IV,100; Miln.59; Vism.241; DhsA.187. –kalyāṇa in phrase ādikalyāṇa majjhe-kalyāṇa pariyosāna-kalyāṇa of the Dhamma,“beautiful in the beginning,the middle & the end” see references under dhamma C. 3 and cp. DA.I,175 (= ādimhi kalyāṇa etc.); SnA 444; abstr. °kalyāṇatā Vism.4. –pubbaṅgama original Dpvs.IV,26. –brahmacariyaka belonging to the principles or fundaments of moral life D.I,189; III,284; M.I,431; II,125,211; III,192; S.II,75,223; IV,91; V,417,438; f. °ikā Vin.I,64,68; A.I,231 sq. –majjhapariyosāna beginning,middle & end Miln.10; cp. above ādikalyāṇa.

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

ādi [act. ādā] m. conception ; commencement, début ; principe | premier, primordial, suprême | première fois ; premiers fruits | myth. symb. le nombre 1 — iic. suprême — a. m. n. f. ifc. précédé de, commençant par ; et ainsi de suite | gram. (mot composé) commençant par «<iic.>» | gram. racine appartenant à la classe de conjugaison [gaṇa] caractérisée par la racine «<iic.>» ; cf. bhvādi — m. ādika id. | du. ādyau les deux premiers | pl. ādayas et cætera ; les éléments commençant par <iic.> | gram. not. désigne une liste du gaṇapāṭha commençant par «<iic.>» — loc. ādau adv. à l'origine ; en premier, tout d'abord.

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