Table des matières



1) (comparatif) : le plus haut, supérieur ; lié au nord, nordique ; suivant, second ; par-dessus, au-delà

2) : traversé, traversable

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

uttara (1) (adj.) compar.of ud°,q.v.for etym.; the uttama] – 1.higher,high,superior,upper,only in cpds.J.II,420 (musal° with the club on top of him? Cy not clear,perhaps to uttara2); see also below.– 2.northern (with disā region or point of compass) D.I,153; M.I,123; S.I,224; PvA.75.uttarāmukha (for uttaraṁmukha) turning north,facing north Sn.1010.– 3.subsequent,following,second (°-) J.I,63 (°āsāḷha-nakkhatta).‹-› 4.over,beyond (-°):aṭṭh’utara-sata eight over a hundred,i.e.108; DhA.I,388.– sa-uttara having something above or higher,having a superior i.e.inferior D.I,80 (citta),II.299; M.I,59; S.V,265; Vbh.324 (paññā); Dhs.1292,1596; DhsA.50.– anuttara without a superior,unrivalled,unparalleled D.I,40; S.I,124; II,278; III,84; Sn.179.
uttara (2) (adj.) [fr.uttarati] crossing over,to be crossed,in dur° difficult to cross or to get out of S.I,197 (not duruttamo); Miln.158; and in cpd.°setu one who is going to cross a bridge Miln.194 (cp.uttara-setu).

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

uttara [compar. ut] a. m. n. f. uttarā plus élevé, supérieur; opp. adhara | septentrional | postérieur, futur; dernier; en plus; opp. pūrva | meilleur, plus important; vainqueur | ifc. suivi de; formé de | gram. forme des comparatifs — n. le Nord | la gauche | réponse, résultat | gram. dernier élément d'une phrase de salutation | lit. np. de la partie [khaṇḍa] Uttara d'un purāṇa traitant de métaphysique — acc. uttaram adv. finalement, en dernier — f. cf. uttarā || ang. outer.