

verbe : habiter, demeurer, séjourner, rester

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

vasati (2) [vas2; Idg.*ǔes to stay,abide; cp.Av.var∂haiti; Lat.Vesta the goddess of the hearth=Gr.e(sti/a hearth; Goth.wisan to stay,remain,be (=Ohg.wesan,E.was,were); Oicel.vist to stay,Oir.foss rest.– Dhtm 470:kanti-nivāsesu] to live,dwell,stay,abide; to spend time (esp.with vassaṁ the rainy season); keep,observe,live,practise Sn.469 sq.1088 (=saṁvasati āvasati parivasati Nd2 558); PvA.3,12,78 (imper. vasatha).‹-› uposathaṁ vasaṁ (ppr.) keeping the Sunday J.VI,232; brahmacariyaṁ live a chaste life M.I,515 (cp.same expression Ait.Br.5,13; Śat.Br.12,2,2; 13,8.22).– ppr.vasanto PvA.75,76;āna J.I,21,236,291; PvA.117; Pot.vaseyya M.I,515; Pv.II,97 (ghare),& vase Miln.372.– aor.vasi Sn.977; J.IV,317 (piya-saṁvāsaṁ); PvA.111; Mhvs 1,13 (vasī vasi); 5,229.– ger.vasitvā J.I,278; IV,317; PvA.13; grd.vasitabba Sn.678; PvA.42; & vatthabba Mhvs 3,12; inf.vatthuṁ Th.2,414,& vasituṁ PvA.12,112.Fut.vasissati [=Sk.vasiṣyati] Mhvs 14,26; PvA.12; and (older) vacchati [=Sk.vatsyati] Vin.I,60; Th.2,294; J.IV,217; 1st sg.vacchāmi J.V,467 (na te v.santike); VI,523,524,& vacchaṃ Th.2,414.– Pass.vussati [Sk.uṣyate] M.I,147 (brahmacariyaṁ v.).– pp.vasitavusita [=vi+uṣita],vuttha [perhaps=vi+uṣṭa],q.v.– Caus.I.vāseti to cause to live,stay or dwell; to make live; to preserve (opp.nāseti at S.IV,248) Vin.III,140; S.IV,248; Miln.211; PvA.160 (inf.vāsetuṃ); see also vāseti2.– Caus.II.vasāpeti (cp.adhivāsāpeti) to make live or spend,to cause to dwell,to detain J.I,290; II,27; PvA.20 (vassaṁ).– pp.vāsita.– See also adhi°,ā°,ni°,pari°

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

vas (1) v. [1] pr. (vasati) pft. (uvāsa) fut. (vatsyati, vasiṣyati) pp. (uṣita, uṣṭa) abs. (uṣitvā, -uṣya) pf. (adhi, ā, upa, ni, pari, pra, vi, sam) habiter, demeurer | passer, séjourner; rester | continuer de <pp.> | résider en <loc.> — ca. (vāsayati) loger, héberger, abriter | faire attendre; laisser en suspens; laisser passer (temps) — dés.(vivatsati) désirer habiter; souhaiter rester — int. (vāvasti) int. md. (vāvasyate) rester; continuer à || all. Wesen; ang. was.

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