

adverbe (invariable) : silencieusement, en silence, tacitement, tranquillement

  • étymologie : tussati
  • emploi idiomatique : tuṇhī ahosi : “il garda le silence” = il approuva

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede

tuṇhī (indecl.) [Sk.tūṣṇīṁ Acc.sg.of fem.abstr.tūṣṇī,used adverbially,from tussati] silently,esp.in phrase tuṇhī ahosi he remained silent,as a sign of consent or affirmative answer (i.e.he had nothing to say against it) D.II,155; A.V,194; Dh.227; Sn.720 (tuṇhī yāti mahodadhi); PvA.117. –bhāva silence,attitude of consent,usually in form.adhivāsesi tuṇhī-bhāvena he agreed Vin.I,17; Sn.p.104,etc.– S.II,236,273 (ariyo t.-bhāvo); M.I,161 (id.); A.IV,153 (id.).-Miln.15; PvA.17,20,etc.; –bhūta silent Sn.p.140; Vv 20; DhA 172,etc

Dictionnaire Héritage du Sanscrit, Inria, Gérard Huet (dir.)

tūṣṇīm [tuṣ-nīm] adv. tranquillement, silencieusement, en silence; tacitement.

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